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[MtG Standard] UW Approach

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2 Torrential Gearhulk


4 Cast Out

2 Search for Azcanta


4 Glimmer of Genius

4 Supreme Will

4 Censor

3 Settle the Wreckage

3 Meltdown

2 Approach of the Second Sun

2 Fumigate

2 Farm // Market

2 Opt

1 Pull from Tomorrow


4 Glacial Fortress

4 Irrigated Farmland

2 Field of Ruin

2 Evolving Wilds

2 Desert of the Mindful

6 Plains

5 Islands



4 Negate

4 Authority of the Consuls

2 Angel of Invention

2 Gideon of the Trials

1 Hour of Revelation 

1 Sunscourge Champion

1 Forsake the Worldly

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I've been playing around with this deck. I think 4/3 split on opt and censor is correct. Pull is still kind of awkward to cast most of the time. Id rather play Gideon over T hulk in the main board as well and maybe some number of aether meltdowns so you don't get completely curb stomped by ranumap red game 1. Slash just seems bad against anything thats not red and even then its just a worse magma spray. Disallow is a little better now since the format is a bit slower. Stopping Ranumap red from eternalizing their stuff is pretty back breaking for them too. Also, I think its correct to play a scavenger grounds since Scarab God seems to be the new hotness in standard.

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I've been playing around with this deck. I think 4/3 split on opt and censor is correct. Pull is still kind of awkward to cast most of the time. Id rather play Gideon over T hulk in the main board as well and maybe some number of aether meltdowns so you don't get completely curb stomped by ranumap red game 1. Slash just seems bad against anything thats not red and even then its just a worse magma spray. Disallow is a little better now since the format is a bit slower. Stopping Ranumap red from eternalizing their stuff is pretty back breaking for them too. Also, I think its correct to play a scavenger grounds since Scarab God seems to be the new hotness in standard.

The format isn't slower, yet. It is still in the transitional phase of what people are going to try to beat next. We just know the archetypes that see play, not the best one, or what is necessary to focus on. I am still against Disallow for right now as aggressive decks are still going to be played with and so are over-the-top control decks, being the pillars of Week 2 Standard. 


I can get behind Meltdowns. I wasn't fully into the idea since I wanted to play Scarab God if I did, but I don't need to play the Energy Counter Filter land. 


Also, I like Gearhulk preboard due to being able to play from an almost DrawGo instance after set up is maintained. 

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