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[EXFO] Flame Administrator

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EXFO-JP041 フレイム・アドミニスター (OCG: Flame Administer/TCG: Flame Administrator)
Link Rating 2 FIRE Cyberse Link Effect Monster
ATK 1200
Links: Left, Bottom Right
Materials: 2 Cyberse Monsters
(1) You can only control 1 “Flame Administrator”.
(2) Link Monsters you control gain 800 ATK.


Meh card.

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It's not that bad, IMO. The markers allows it to "open" Zones for ED Summons in both the EM and MM Zones, on its own it's a 2000-ATK beater, which is not that bad, and in a Link swarm you can Summon this instead of, let's say, Proxy Dragon or Honeybot, for boosting every Link and go for an OTK that otherwise wouldn't be possible. The main hindrance is that it requires Cyberses as material, though.

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Nothing changed from the anime, so yeah, whatever I said about it earlier holds.


Yeah, it'll usually have a live marker wherever it ends up, but all it does is just give Links a power bonus [i guess this helps in certain cases] and still requires Cyberses to make in the first place. IMO this really didn't need to be Cyberse restricted again.

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