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Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon

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Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon


Pendulum Scale: 8

Pendulum Effect:

If an “Odd-Eyes” card(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 “Odd-Eyes” monster from your hand, Deck or GY. You can only use this effect of “Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon” once per turn.

Flavor Text:

Made from miracles, this valiant and beautiful dragon has gleaming eyes that reflect an arc drawn in the sky.


Rumored to be the new Odd-Eyes from the TCG Legendary Dragon Decks.

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Attribute being DARK seems wrong. The pic we got defo looks like LIGHT.


Otherwise looks legit. 


Of note? It's a good scale that synergizes with Sky Iris, Pendulum Sorcerer, and tech engines. And it summons Dissolver.


It's probably a 1-2 of in Ppal, if true. IDK about Magician, but Dissolver access is never bad.


Praise lack of "Opponent's card or effect".

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Sky Iris + OERevolutionD + random pendulum

  1. Rev, search Arc Pendulum
  2. Sky Iris
  3. Set Arc Pendulum
  4. Set other Pendulum Scale
  5. Iris pop scale, search Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus
  6. Arc Pendulum effect, find Dissolver
  7. Dissolver effect, fuse with Arc Pendulum in the scale to make Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
  8. Starving Venom, copy Revolution in the Graveyard. Becomes 6800*.
  9. Starving Venom effect, pay half your LP, spin entire board. 
  10. NS Minitaurus
  11. 6800 + 1200 = 8000

*If opp's LP is 8000, ofc.


I like that this meme is trying its hardest to take off. It was never even difficult, but now there's a reasonable way to do it that doesn't require a normal summon to set it up, so that's neat.



Rev + Low Scale Odd-Eyes + Duelist Advent/Sorc

  1. Rev, search Arc Pendulum
  2. Set Arc Pendulum
  3. Set Low Scale
  4. Pendulum Summon Sorc
  5. Sorc pop itself + low scale odd-eyes, search Joker and ???
  6. Arc Pendulum SS Dissolver from Deck/hand
  7. Dissolver fuses with Arc Pendulum in the Scale; makes Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
  8. Starving Venom copies Revolution. ATK becomes 6800*
  9. Starving Venom pays half your LP; spins board/graves.
  10. NS Joker, find ???

Different here is that the chance of finding Light Phoenix/Persona is lower, if you even run Light Phoenix in the first place. IT also means you've used your PS, so you manage to hoard more resources, but your board is weaker if you fail to kill... Which, you really shouldn't, considering Joker can search Nobledragon, who can drop SKDSV to 5 to summon herself, then Synchro with Joker for Odd-Eyes Meteorburst, if you really need the monster effect blocking

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Yes it's actually DARK!!! I could've sworn by the image that it was LIGHT. So so glad, this makes it a much better card.


And by god that art is amazing. I hope that its left horn/wing thing has a red tint just like the right one has a blue tint near the base, and that it's just the angle and shininess that's preventing that coming through on the image. I know Yuya's crystal pendant was blue, not red, but it would be nice to also have it reflect the way the pendulum scales are.


Also honestly confused about how heterochromia is supposed to be the reflection a rainbow.

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This is super sweet actually. It seems to work wonders with Sky Iris, resulting in a double search, and it is probably the best Pendulum Vanilla in the game considering stats, name, and Type/Attribute.... and Scale, because Scale 8 is a good one.

Cool art, his shoulders are the Pendulum necklace from the show.

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