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Hallo Hallo


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Hallo Hallo what the funk.

Simplify the puzzle, cuck.


Nobody has got a clue

What we are supposed to do.


Giga might pretend he does,

But he's a fraud that no-one loves.


If you want the answer found,

Put us all on even ground.

It wasn't even parenthesis who was the one said to find them all in public

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The hunt is over, put down your quill,

The results for you all, I shall now fulfill.
Across the forum, far and wide,
were thirteen hints I chose to hide.
These hints spoke of where I shall rest,
If you don't know, that's still for the best.
And now I must distribute my prize,
To successes, failures, and even just tries.
Two cunning members completed the hunt,
Kay and C-4, if I am to be blunt.
To these two winners, I present a boon,
Of ten-thousand points. Don't spend it too soon!
That leaves me with thirty-thousand more,
So here is my gift for an imperfect score.
Three further members in the hunt competed,
But the final solution they had not completed.
You all did your best, and so here's your reward,
Of six-thousand points; it's what I can afford.
What's that? There's more? More who sought out a clue?
You'd not sent me anything. Skipping's what I must do.
I'm sure that you tried, and looked really hard,
But without information, I must stay on-guard.
Lastly, other friends, who all donned my mask.
For all six of you, a simple task.
Of my twelve-thousand points that now remain,
Two-thousand each is what you will gain.
Use it for fun, and to start up a show.
Always have fun. Thus spake Hallohallo.
And now I depart, for my time here is done,
Be good to each other, and always have fun.
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