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Hallo Hallo


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Hello my friends, hello

I am Hallohallo.


The tenth month is near, just twelve days then another

And it seems I'm quite popular, so I've come with an offer.

For those with my mask, you can get this rare deal,

At no cost at all! I call that a steal.

Say in this thread your favorite sweet,

And I'll provide to you a special treat.

An exclusive group for the lot of us all,

Made in my honor, and my tales so tall.


​This offer is paid by those who on this site reign,

​And it's all for good fun, so please feel not disdain.




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I'd be honored to join your exclusive group, my dear hallo brother.


I not sure if I'd be annoying Yui by joining this group but mkay.




Hallo is cute! CUTE!


I am pleased with your enthusiasm, greatly so.

But there's one little problem, so for now I say no.

You must name your favorite sweet to join the group of Hallohallo.

Personally, I always favored a roasted marshmallow.

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I pondered and wondered, and thought up some fun.
This is my only game though. Just this single one.
A scavenger hunt, for that poem you know well,
Which I've scattered cross the forum, with hints that spell...
Something grand, a place of fascination,
And when I leave, my final destination.


For those who find hints, send them to me.

Your prize will be revealed on day nine-two-three.

That's when I go, for I have things to do.

Now, to the scavenger hunt! Best of luck, all of you.

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