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Thread for Points

King K. Azo

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I, like many others, would like to enjoy the on disk DLC this forum has. However, in order to do that, I need points. How do I get points though?


As far as I know, there is no thread that outlines what gives us points and the amount we get for each thing. Wanting something like a VIP or a group without knowing how long it'll take or how many points you'll get for everything you do is discouraging for both old and new members alike.


Making a thread would not take long either. There are no downsides to making such a thread.


Unless there already is one and I'm just blind.

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It was made 2 years ago.


If it's outdated, pleased update it. That should take even less time than making a new thread.

I mean I would, but I say "might" because I have no idea about any information not pertaining to RP or General and would rather play it safe in that regard. I'll ask around if everything else is still accurate though.

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what is an on disk DLC?


Content on the disc hidden behind a paywall.


To make an actual contribution to the thread - I offer my support. Were it not for the generosity of resident jabroni Hi I'm Dad, I too would be languishing in poverty with the rest of you scum with no idea how to change my situation.

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Content on the disc hidden behind a paywall.


To make an actual contribution to the thread - I offer my support. Were it not for the generosity of resident jabroni Hi I'm Dad, I too would be languishing in poverty with the rest of you scum with no idea how to change my situation.

And I, as an advocate for the belief that one's fortune and happiness should be shared, demand you hand over half of your newfound wealth to me.

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Rewas already linked it, but yeah, that thread's outdated as hell right now. Well, the shop things are correct for the most part (despite said shop being broken right now, and having to send us the points directly for stuff); anything pertaining to sections needs fixing.

  • Might want to remove the Suggestions thing.
  • Custom Cards still has the review redemption, but I have updated the point values for it (well, increased). Right now, it should be doubled. (Speaking of which, I do need to give Drearia his review points because I haven't looked at the ones he cashed in.)
    • The contest one is still iffy; there's a redemption thread for 1v1s, but no one has used it lately. Then again, both contest areas are usually dead nowadays.
  • TCG's one never really took off, if any, and don't think evil or Flame will be implementing it for the foreseeable future. If this happens, the quality of posts would likely need to go up.
  • Creative Writing / RP is something you'd need to get on Yui or Zai's case about. For those of you who frequent these areas, would this be a good idea for you to bring in new blood or activity?
  • General is up to Yui.


So yeah, wouldn't mind updating it, but at present, will just be limited to what I have for CC and anything that Yui and Zai decide on for their respective areas. Other ones may need reviewing.

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