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Grand Fire Emblem Tournament 3 [Nominations Closed]


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It has been a couple days since the last nominations and since the statuses aren't doing much I will do this.

I will nominate 9 and will allow those who nominated 8 to add a 9th to their list. Hopefully we can get 1-2 more people nominating in addition to this.


Lute (Sacred Stones)
Rennac (Sacred Stones)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)
Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Cynthia (Awakening)
Mitama (Fates)
Saber (Shadows of Valentia)

Python (Shadows of Valentia)

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Rinea? as in background character Rinea? She can't do squat.

I mean it's not like she needed that many scenes to have really memorable and nicely developed character. Hell Mustafa is a minor boss that has I believe all of 4 lines in all of Awakening, but I'm pretty sure most of the fandom loves him.


As for my 8th and 9th I'll nominate Naga (Awakening) herself, and Lief (Genealogy of the Holy War)

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Forgot who Mustafa was, so I had to look him up; upon seeing his picture I remembered. Some pictures that popped up showed other characters I forgot, one of which is silly enough to nominate:


Cervantes (Awakening). He hasn't shaved his beard since the first battle he won, nor has a lost a battle. Will this competition change that?

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Female Morgan (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Catria (Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem)

Fir (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)

Marisa (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)

Ursala (Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade)

Rath (Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade)

Gilliam (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)

Gaius (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

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Nominations are now closed.


I decided instead of RNG I would just have the final two be

Alphonse (Heroes) and Veronica (Heroes)

I found it fitting


In the process of putting the nominations in order of game + alphabetical and then I will randomize the matches. Won't share the randomization and the first matches will probably be up tomorrow. (maybe tonight depending on how I feel)

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The Polls were locked by a mysterious foe but I have gathered up the results and shall now post them here!


Amelia wins over Ursula, 8-3

Priscilla wins over Alfonse, 7-5

Ishtar barely wins over Beruka, 6-5

Delthea wins over Haar, 8-4

Legion wins over Echidna, 4-3 in the least voted in match yet

Lethe wins over Reyson, 5-3 and I am kind of surprised there weren't more votes

Lilith wins over Veronica, 9-4

And Tiki wins over Fernand, 8-3


Next wave will be up in an hour or two I sort of forgot to gather the images beforehand this time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And now as Round 1 ends, here is the list for Round 2!

[spoiler=Round 2]Cuan (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Ishtar (Genealogy of the Holy War)


Clarine (Binding Blade)


Hector (Blazing Sword)
Jaffar (Blazing Sword)
Lyn (Blazing Sword)
Nino (Blazing Sword)
Priscilla (Blazing Sword)
Rath (Blazing Sword)
Raven (Blazing Sword)

Serra (Blazing Sword)


Amelia (Sacred Stones)

Artur (Sacred Stones)

Cormag (Sacred Stones)

Ephraim (Sacred Stones)

Ewan (Sacred Stones)

Forde (Sacred Stones)

Franz (Sacred Stones)

Gilliam (Sacred Stones)

L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)

Lute (Sacred Stones)
Lyon (Sacred Stones)

Marisa (Sacred Stones)
Rennac (Sacred Stones)

Seth (Sacred Stones)
Valter (Sacred Stones)

Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)
Nephenee (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)
Titania (Path of Radiance)


Pelleas (Radiant Dawn)
Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)
Volug (Radiant Dawn)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)

Legion (New Mystery of the Emblem)

Cynthia (Awakening)
Gaius (Awakening)
Henry (Awakening)
Inigo (Awakening)

Lissa (Awakening)
Maribelle (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Naga (Awakening)
Robin (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)
Tiki (Awakening)


Felicia (Fates)
Lilith (Fates)
Sakura (Fates)
Shiro (Fates)
Soleil (Fates)
Xander (Fates)

Berkut (Shadows of Valentia)
Delthea (Shadows of Valentia)
Kliff (Shadows of Valentia)

Leon (Shadows of Valentia)
Python (Shadows of Valentia)
Saber (Shadows of Valentia)
Valbar (Shadows of Valentia)

Sharena (Heroes)


Some stats. Number of characters per game (barring games with none left)


Genealogy of the Holy War: 2

Binding Blade: 1

Blazing Sword: 8

Sacred Stones: 15

Path of Radiance: 8

Radiant Dawn: 3

Shadow Dragon: 1

New Mystery of the Emblem: 1

Awakening: 11

Fates: 6

Shadows of Valentia: 7

Heroes: 1


Next wave of matches will be either Sunday or Monday. Most likely Monday because I work close Sunday and open Monday. But I will make sure there's not TOO much of a gap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And thus Round 2 is over! Here are the results...

[spoiler=Round 3]Lyn (Blazing Sword)
Nino (Blazing Sword)
Raven (Blazing Sword)
Serra (Blazing Sword)

Cormag (Sacred Stones)
Ephraim (Sacred Stones)
Forde (Sacred Stones)
L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)
Marisa (Sacred Stones)
Rennac (Sacred Stones)
Seth (Sacred Stones)
Valter (Sacred Stones)

Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)

Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)

Cynthia (Awakening)
Henry (Awakening)
Inigo (Awakening)
Lissa (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)

Sakura (Fates)
Soleil (Fates)

Delthea (Shadows of Valentia)
Leon (Shadows of Valentia)
Saber (Shadows of Valentia)
Valbar (Shadows of Valentia)



Nothing earlier than Blazing Sword is left. And the stats are...

Blazing Sword: 4 (one male, three females)

Sacred Stones: 9 (six males, three females)

Path of Radiance: 5 (two males, three females)

Radiant Dawn: 1 (one female)

Shadow Dragon: 1 (one female)

Awakening: 6 (two males, four females)

Fates: 2 (two females, one Nohr, one Hoshido)

Shadows of Valentia: 4 (three males, one female)


Which also means 14 males and 18 females


I'll randomize tonight, find images tomorrow, and post first wave of matches either tomorrow or next day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And now Round 3 is over! Since there are only 16, or 8 matches, left the next wave will be four matches. Given that this will be done before the end of the year either way I think it's fine to stretch it out slightly. I will try and get the matches up likely Monday.


[spoiler=Round 4]Nino (Blazing Sword)

Cormag (Sacred Stones)
Ephraim (Sacred Stones)
L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)
Marisa (Sacred Stones)

Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)

Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)

Cynthia (Awakening)
Inigo (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)

Delthea (Shadows of Valentia)



Blazing Sword: 1

Sacred Stones: 5

Path of Radiance: 4

Radiant Dawn: 1

Awakening: 4

Shadows of Valentia: 1


Surprisingly only one SoV character left, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, and Awakening are mostly dominating the Polls now.

Only 5 of the 16 remaining are males, despite there being fairly even split of male and female before the round started.

Interesting that the only Awakening characters in it are the children.

...Also there are three child mage prodigies in this, Nino, Sanaki, and Delthea.

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And now we're at the top 8!


[spoiler=Round 5]Cormag (Sacred Stones)

Ephraim (Sacred Stones)

L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)

Lute (Sacred Stones)


Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)


Cynthia (Awakening)

Inigo (Awakening)

Severa (Awakening)



...It's....it's Sacred Stones, Awakening, and then Sanaki representing the Tellius games. That's fascinating and kind of unexpected.

The only SS character that lost was against a different SS character and Morgan was the only Awakening character to go out.

5/8 of the group are female, almost perfect split.


I'll have the full round 5, since only 4 matches, up either Sunday or Monday.

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Elincia lost... and to a kid!

That's so demotivating. I do still have Severa and Cynthia to rot for (I know I rooted for the Black Knight in her last round but come on, I like both), but Elincia was by far my favorite from the remaining participants.

Anyway, this tournament made me realize how much I like Elincia. She wasn't my top FE waifu  girl before, but now I'm seriously reconsidering rearranging my personal standings.

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