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Grand Fire Emblem Tournament 3 [Nominations Closed]


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Yes I decided since it's been around a year and there's a "new" game out that I would bring the third installment of this back. For those who don't know it's basically this is a Poll Tournament where you nominate and vote for your favorite Fire Emblem characters. Similar to the Pokemon ones Sakura has and the Anime ones Mirei has. I will be re-using most of the format and rules for the old ones. One thing I will say is that I won't be as incredibly anal about getting topics up right after rounds end because the Shop is broken and I need mod assistance to lock the threads anyway so can't really keep to as specific a schedule as I'd like. Anyway without further ado....
[spoiler=Rules]1. Each person may nominate up to 8 characters. You must include the name, and which game they are from.
1a. This number may change.
2. You may not nominate more than 4 characters from the same game, unless you have only played one.
2a. As of now all the Fates games count as the same game.
3. In the case that the character you nominate is in two games (Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn for instance) that character will count as from the FIRST game they came from. For instance. You could nominate Ike and he would count as one character from Path of Radiance.
3a. Some cases may be different. For instance Hector appears in 6 but is mainly active in 7 so they should count as 7.
3b. Joshua, and Anna, the winners of the last two GFET, are not allowed to be nominated again.
4. Only one nomination is needed for a character to be in. The goal is at least 64 but, depending on interest, 128 would be considered.
5. Don't be a spammer. Remember this is a place with post count enabled and try and give some reason for your vote (once the polls are up). If you only want to say who you vote for, save it, you said that with your vote already.
6. No flaming, debating is fine but keep it civil. Keep in mind everyone is allowed an opinion.
7. Please no alt accounts or getting people to vote for a character when they otherwise wouldn't. That's not cool and if I find out it happened the character could be disqualified.
7a. Advertising matches is okay but it's not okay to specify who you want people to vote for at the same time.
8. Matches will all be 1 v 1 and randomized. No ties will be allowed. There will be a time limit but I will try and get at least 10 votes per match.



Cuan (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Ethlyn (Genealogy of Holy War)
Ishtar (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Julia (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Lachesis (Genealogy of Holy War)
Lief (Genealogy of the Holy War)

Asbel (Thracia 776)
Nanna (Thracia 776)
Olwen (Thracia 776)

Clarine (Binding Blade)
Echidna (Binding Blade)
Fir (Binding Blade)
Klein (Binding Blade)
Lilina (Binding Blade)
Roy (Binding Blade)

Hector (Blazing Sword)
Jaffar (Blazing Sword)
Lyn (Blazing Sword)
Nils (Blazing Sword)
Nino (Blazing Sword)
Priscilla (Blazing Sword)
Rath (Blazing Sword)
Raven (Blazing Sword)
Serra (Blazing Sword)
Ursala (Blazing Sword)

Amelia (Sacred Stones)
Artur (Sacred Stones)
Cormag (Sacred Stones)
Dozla (Sacred Stones)
Eirika (Sacred Stones)
Ephraim (Sacred Stones)
Ewan (Sacred Stones)
Forde (Sacred Stones)
Franz (Sacred Stones)
Gilliam (Sacred Stones)
L'arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)
Lyon (Sacred Stones)
Marisa (Sacred Stones)
Rennac (Sacred Stones)
Selena (Sacred Stones)
Seth (Sacred Stones)
Tana (Sacred Stones)
Tethys (Sacred Stones)
Valter (Sacred Stones)

Astrid (Path of Radiance)
Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Haar (Path of Radiance)
Ike (Path of Radiance)
Ilyana (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)
Mia (Path of Radiance)
Nephenee (Path of Radiance)
Oscar (Path of Radiance)
Ranulf (Path of Radiance)
Reyson (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)
Tibarn (Path of Radiance)
Titania (Path of Radiance)
Zihark (Path of Radiance)

Fiona (Radiant Dawn)
Ludveck (Radiant Dawn)
Nailah (Radiant Dawn)
Oliver (Radiant Dawn)
Pelleas (Radiant Dawn)
Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)
Volug (Radiant Dawn)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)
Linde (Shadow Dragon)
Marth (Shadow Dragon)

Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)
Legion (New Mystery of the Emblem)

Brady (Awakening)
Cervantes (Awakening)
Cordelia (Awakening)
Cynthia (Awakening)
Gaius (Awakening)
Henry (Awakening)
Inigo (Awakening)
Lissa (Awakening)
Lucina (Awakening)
Maribelle (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Naga (Awakening)
Nah (Awakening)
Noire (Awakening)
Robin (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)
Tharja (Awakening)
Tiki (Awakening)

Beruka (Fates)
Camilla (Fates)
Corrin (Fates)
Elise (Fates)
Felicia (Fates)
Kaze (Fates)
Lilith (Fates)
Mitama (Fates)
Orochi (Fates)
Peri (Fates)
Sakura (Fates)
Shiro (Fates)
Soleil (Fates)
Xander (Fates)

Alm (Shadows of Valentia)
Berkut (Shadows of Valentia)
Celica (Shadows of Valentia)
Conrad (Shadows of Valentia)
Delthea (Shadows of Valentia)
Faye (Shadows of Valentia)
Fernand (Shadows of Valentia)
Genny (Shadows of Valentia)
Kliff (Shadows of Valentia)
Leon (Shadows of Valentia)
Lukas (Shadows of Valentia)
Mae (Shadows of Valentia)
Python (Shadows of Valentia)
Rinea (Shadows of Valentia)
Saber (Shadows of Valentia)
Silque (Shadows of Valentia)
Sonya (Shadows of Valentia)
Valbar (Shadows of Valentia)  

Alphonse (Heroes)
Sharena (Hereos)
Veronica (Heroes)




[spoiler=Round 2]Cuan (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Ishtar (Genealogy of the Holy War)


Clarine (Binding Blade)


Hector (Blazing Sword)
Jaffar (Blazing Sword)
Lyn (Blazing Sword)
Nino (Blazing Sword)
Priscilla (Blazing Sword)
Rath (Blazing Sword)
Raven (Blazing Sword)

Serra (Blazing Sword)


Amelia (Sacred Stones)

Artur (Sacred Stones)

Cormag (Sacred Stones)

Ephraim (Sacred Stones)

Ewan (Sacred Stones)

Forde (Sacred Stones)

Franz (Sacred Stones)

Gilliam (Sacred Stones)

L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)

Lute (Sacred Stones)
Lyon (Sacred Stones)

Marisa (Sacred Stones)
Rennac (Sacred Stones)

Seth (Sacred Stones)
Valter (Sacred Stones)

Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Lethe (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)
Nephenee (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)
Titania (Path of Radiance)


Pelleas (Radiant Dawn)
Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)
Volug (Radiant Dawn)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)

Legion (New Mystery of the Emblem)

Cynthia (Awakening)
Gaius (Awakening)
Henry (Awakening)
Inigo (Awakening)

Lissa (Awakening)
Maribelle (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Naga (Awakening)
Robin (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)
Tiki (Awakening)


Felicia (Fates)
Lilith (Fates)
Sakura (Fates)
Shiro (Fates)
Soleil (Fates)
Xander (Fates)

Berkut (Shadows of Valentia)
Delthea (Shadows of Valentia)
Kliff (Shadows of Valentia)

Leon (Shadows of Valentia)
Python (Shadows of Valentia)
Saber (Shadows of Valentia)
Valbar (Shadows of Valentia)

Sharena (Heroes)



[spoiler=Round 3]Lyn (Blazing Sword)
Nino (Blazing Sword)
Raven (Blazing Sword)
Serra (Blazing Sword)

Cormag (Sacred Stones)
Ephraim (Sacred Stones)
Forde (Sacred Stones)
L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)
Marisa (Sacred Stones)
Rennac (Sacred Stones)
Seth (Sacred Stones)
Valter (Sacred Stones)

Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Marcia (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)

Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)

Cynthia (Awakening)
Henry (Awakening)
Inigo (Awakening)
Lissa (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)

Sakura (Fates)
Soleil (Fates)

Delthea (Shadows of Valentia)
Leon (Shadows of Valentia)
Saber (Shadows of Valentia)
Valbar (Shadows of Valentia)



[spoiler=Round 4]Nino (Blazing Sword)

Cormag (Sacred Stones)
Ephraim (Sacred Stones)
L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)
Lute (Sacred Stones)
Marisa (Sacred Stones)

Black Knight (Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Path of Radiance)
Jill (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)

Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)

Cynthia (Awakening)
Inigo (Awakening)
Morgan, Female (Awakening)
Severa (Awakening)

Delthea (Shadows of Valentia)



[spoiler=Round 5]Cormag (Sacred Stones)

Ephraim (Sacred Stones)

L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)

Lute (Sacred Stones)


Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)


Cynthia (Awakening)

Inigo (Awakening)

Severa (Awakening)



[spoiler=Semi-Finals]Ephraim (Sacred Stones)


L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)


Lute (Sacred Stones)


Cynthia (Awakening)


[spoiler=Finals/Results]1st Place: Cynthia

2nd Place: Ephraim

3rd Place: L'Arachel

4th Place: Lute


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  1. Alm (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Valbar (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia) 

Elincia (Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn)

Tibarn (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance)

Ranulf (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance) 

Forde (Fire Emblem Sacred Stones) 

Nino (Fire Emblem Blazing Sword) 

Shiro (Fire Emblem Fates)

Inigo (Fire Emblem Awakening)

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Ephraim (Sacred Stones). He doesn't pick fights he cannot win; you unfortunatly don't always have a say in it.


Dozla (Sacred Stones). He goes where ever L'arachel goes, this time a popularity contest it seems.


Selena (Sacred Stones). One of Grado's generals. Kind-hearted and loyal. 


Lilith (Fates). A cute dragon-thing.


Ike (Smash bros Path of Radience). The audience in smash knows: "We like Ike!".


I'll leave it at that (for now).

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Y'all funkers need to appreciate well written characters (ignore story xander).


Genny (Shadows of Valentia)

Leon (Shadows of Valentia)

Berkut (Shadows of Valentia)

Fernand (Shadows of Valentia)

Jaffar (Blazing Blade)

Amelia (Sacred Stones)

Lyon (Sacred Stones)

Oliver (Radiant Dawn)

Xander (Fates)

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Robin (Awakening)

Corrin (Fates)

Ike (Path of Radiance)

Roy (Binding Blade)

Marth (Shadow Dragon)

Lucina (Awakening)


Yeah, sue me for nominating the characters that appear in Smash.

Note that Ike is nominated so if you decide to put more nominations in you have 3 more still.


Another note is i think we're at 58 already. If I nominate a full list we'd be over the minimum of 64 so I think we'll see if we can reach 128 (or at least close). If we're 10 off or so I might randomize some.

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  1. Cuan (Genealogy of the Holy War)
  2. Hector (Blazing Blade)
  3. Seth (Sacred Stones)
  4. Titania (Path of Radiance)
  5. Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)
  6. Henry (Awakening)
  7. Tiki (Awakening)
  8. Kliff (Shadows of Valentia)
  9. Silque (Shadows of Valentia)

Yes, most of these are my waifus/husbandos, don't judge me.

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It's spelled Eirika. You forgot the first "i".


There's a lot of ways you could have gone about this. But this just makes you sound annoying. So thanks.


Regardless that explains why my search of the thread for the character didn't result in anything.


So Cow you'll wanna go remove my Erika nomination as she was already in under her proper spelling. Suppose I'll replace her with Zihark from Path of Radiance.

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There's a lot of ways you could have gone about this. But this just makes you sound annoying. So thanks.


Regardless that explains why my search of the thread for the character didn't result in anything.


So Cow you'll wanna go remove my Erika nomination as she was already in under her proper spelling. Suppose I'll replace her with Zihark from Path of Radiance.

Didn't mean to sound annoying but I'm glad I could help.

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Ishtar (Genealogy of the Holy War)

Asbel (Thracia 776)

Sonya (Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia)

Conrad (Shadows of Valentia)

Rinea (Shadows of Valentia)

Nils (The Blazing Blade)

Ewan (Sacred Stones)

Tethys (Sacred Stones)

thank you for hitting Sonya, Rinea, and Ewan


Now just need someone to hit Fernand...

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Rinea? as in background character Rinea? She can't do squat.

I don't think characters need to be playable for them to be worthy of nomination. Anna wasn't even playable until Awakening, and yet the only reason she's not a valid nomination is because she's already won an entire tournament.


Plus, it's fitting to have her alongside Berkut in this tournament.

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