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Lockout Gardna (EXFO)

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Lockout Gardna
Level 3 EARTH Cyberse-Type Effect Monster
(1) When an opponent’s monster declares an attack: You can Special Summon this card from your hand in Attack Position, and if you do, it cannot be destroyed by battle during this turn.
(2) When a monster effect is activated on your opponents field that targets exactly 1 Cyberse monster you control (and no other cards) (Quick Effect): You can activate this effect; both that Cyberse monster you control and that opponent’s monster have their effects negated (if any) until the end of the turn.


Nothing really special, sure it is a niche, and being able to activate it on any kind of attack is refreshing, even if you will take damage, there is not a whole lot it can really do other than that, and making it negate the effects that is very specific and locking out your own card too is not all that great, even if you can use it multiple times. It's not something I see Cyberse players using.

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If we ever get Cyberses with negative effects (which I am sort of doubting right now), then maybe this card's second effect could be put to better use; otherwise, you're just using it to protect Firewall / Decode, etc [whatever Link boss you end up making for right now, given pool] from getting bounced or something; that, and leaving for Link material. Protection is nice, but negating it for the turn will suck a bit. 


Would've been better if it summoned in Defense Position instead [if making it an invincible battle wall was an issue, then just limit it to once that turn]; at least you wouldn't take as much damage (bar piercing). 


At least there's no OPT on either effect, but yeah. 



Probably can expect the rest of Yusaku's unreleased cards to be more/less the same [no changes when ported to the actual game]. 

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