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YCM Page(s) Redirecting to Virus?



So I ran into Enguin's Moth support unintentionally and decided to check it out. Long story short, I was on for a few minutes and soon after it redirected me to a virus site. I have noticed that this and older pages of YCM have had issues with text that led to dumb advertising links and now this time I was redirected to a virus site. My computer was scanned recently so nothing on my end, and this has not happened on any other site. Is there any way this can be fixed at all around here? Or does that involve things YCMaker would have to do?

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I checked as well, nothing.


It must be your computer/laptop then. It's infested with viruses everywhere you go. Best bet would be to factory reset the f***er or replace it.

Except I have not got it anywhere else I have been. Not even on the rest of this site either, it is only on older pages where I see what I described

I didn't get it either.


You said that you checked your computer recently and nothing. Either it's something on this site (in which case, requires YCMaker's attention if he still cares) or your browser itself acting up.

Alright then, not much to do then
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