Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted December 24, 2017 Author Report Share Posted December 24, 2017 Averaspectre (average/specter - spectre)Normal/Ghost4'0 [122 cm]22.1 lb [10 kg]60 / 100 / 60 / 100 / 60 / 90 Levitate / Protean Moveset (notable)- Double Edge- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Sludge Wave- Icy Wind- Dark Pulse- Curse- Entrainment- Simple Beam Just say its movepool is rather large because of the fact Normal 'mons usually learn a ton of stuff. ====Reindeer-themed Pokémon(uh yeah, because holidays and stuff) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted December 25, 2017 Report Share Posted December 25, 2017 @Sakura: So... Storywriter is a Dancer ability but for any move? That means it will be retaliating the opposing Pokemon back with anything it uses against it? Huh, that sounds kinda OPed.@: Just want to point out that the request was Ghost/Rock, not Ghost/Ground. Was eager to see a Ghost/Rock. [spoiler=Merrydeery]MerrydeeryFestive PokemonFairy | NormalBase stats: 545Stat spread:HP - 100Atk - 100Def - 110Sp.Atk - 55Sp.Def - 85Spe - 95Appearance: Reindeer with red & green colored fur, as well as antlers whose hooks naturally glow with different colors, as if it was covered with lights.Abilities:Magic Bounce | Sap SipperHidden: LevitateNotable & flavor moves:ReturnDouble-EdgeBody SlamStompExtreme SpeedPlay RoughPresentHorn LeechZen HeadbuttMegahornBounceHigh HorsepowerEarthquakeWild ChargeIce ShardIcicle CrashIron Head Light ScreenReflectMoonlightWishHealing WishCrafty ShieldSubstituteProtectMagic CoatTrick RoomTrickSkill SwapHeal BellBulk UpToxicRole:Support, physical defense or offense. Intended to join the few physical Attack-based Fairies. Normal-Type to follow the trend of antelopes having a Normal Type, namely Sawsbuck, Girafarig, Stantler. Also it grants it immunity to Ghost and STAB on Double-Edge and the coveted Extreme Speed, but Neutral damage from Fight. Magic Bounce keeps it safe from statuses while bouncing them back along hazards like Stealth Rock, Spikes, etc. Sap Sipper adds an extra immunity while giving it better chances at an offense build after an Atk boost. Finally, Levitate is mostly there for flavor, although the immunity to Ground and ground effects like Spikes, Terrains, etc. may give it a niche. The stats appear overly balanced at first for it to excel at anything, but it should have plenty of tools to specialize in different builds. For instance, investment on Atk may make it dangerous with Extreme Speed after a Bulk Up that also increases its naturally good physical defense. The base Speed of 95 allows it to use supportive moves without being outsped by other support or defensive Pokemon. Good old defensive Bulk Up build, backed up by Moonlight should also be an option. 100 base HP allows it to generate 101 HP Substitutes, an important number vs. Seismic Toss/Night Shade users. Not to mention the plenty of coverage moves it has access to. P.D. Was tempted to make it Ice-Type but it's not winter in very part of the world during Christmas. It does have access to Ice Shard and Icicle crash as flavor move, most likely through breeding. Next:A seed-themed Pokemon. Should have access to Leech Seed, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb and possibly support those moves somehow (e.g. Skill Link? an ability that powers up Ball and Bomb moves?). Bonus if it's non-Grass Type to spice things up, also to avoid giving STAB to Bullet Seed and Seed Bomb, but it's not mandatory. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted December 30, 2017 Report Share Posted December 30, 2017 FlashpitGrass/RockAbility: Skill Link, Pressurized (Bullet, Bomb, and Seed moves have their accuracy improved by 10%, and base power improved by 40%)Height: 3"BST: 480HP: 90ATK: 110DEF: 30Sp. A: 100Sp. D: 30SPD: 120 Dex Entry: Often rooting themselves in the sides of tall cliffs, they will grow to enormous sizes before exploding into a shower of seeds, changing the landscape of the areas they grow. Obviously, full-on Grass/Rock sweeper, often carrying Sludge Bomb for added coverage in a way that benefits from its unique Ability, and a fast exploder (yes, Selfdestruct and Explosion count towards its Ability) if you really need that extra boom to wipe something out. Design-wise, resembles a peach seed with five roots for legs, with a faded brown-and-green body structure. They have a small flowering plant growing out of the top of their head: The males have pink flowers, the females have yellow. In their shiny form, their main body becomes a vivid green, the plant growing out of their head becomes darker, their legs become bright white, the male's flower becomes red, and the female's flower becomes purple. Next:A snake-based pseudo-legendary. I'd appreciate if it did something relatively unique, while still being OU/Uber material even with a weird gimmick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted December 30, 2017 Author Report Share Posted December 30, 2017 ScalaeraqatalDragon/Grass8'11450 lbAfterworld Plane (negate Terrains)90 / 110 / 80 / 120 / 100 / 100 Moveset (notable)- Dragon Pulse- Leaf Storm- Sludge Wave- Fire Blast- Seed Bomb- Crunch- Outrage- Iron Head- Earthquake- Earth Power- Calm Mind- Swords Dance (You can also read this as "screw you Tapus and screw your terrain") =====Pokemon that can use Explosion / Selfdestruct without fainting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted December 30, 2017 Report Share Posted December 30, 2017 [spoiler=Blasplate]Blasplate (Blast + plate)Plate bomb PokemonFire | SteelBase stats: 515Stat spread: High Atk (~100), really high Spe (~130)Appearance: An spherical Pokemon that looks like a bomb, covered with metal plates here and there. It has the classic bomb wick, than can use it as a whip for attacks (e.g. Fire Lash, Power Whip).Abilities:SturdyLife Armor: Grants the Pokemon an Armored Form, which, if the Pokemon would faint from a using a move or its recoil, it protects it from fainting, but leaves it at 1 HP, then it changes its Form. Note: This only works once during the battle. Similar mechanics to Mimikyu's Disguise Ability. Doesn't work on Healing Wish or Lunar Dance since the ally Pokemon isn't switched out to receive the effect in the first place. Won't work with Substitute either since not only it cannot be used if the Pokemon doesn't have enough HP, also it would mess with the move mechanics behind the HP of the Substitute.Hidden: Magnet PullNotable & flavor moves:Flare BlitzHead CrashFire LashBurn UpGyro BallIron HeadSmart StrikeGear GrindWild ChargeVolt TackleHead SmashExplosionSelf-DestructDouble EdgeFinal GambitPower Whip TauntSpikesStealth RockMementoAgilityMagnet RiseRole:Anti/suicide lead, physical sweeper. Kind of does was Azelf did in past formats. With its high Speed you can put it on the lead, Taunt the opposing lead, or set Spikes, Stealth Rock, and then go out with a boom, except not really because its ability lets it survive the blast and then either drop another bomb or take the next hit for a safe switch in of your next Pokemon. A major difference to Azelf is that rather than being immune to Ground and Spikes and other hazards through Levitate, this one takes double damage and won't be safe from such hazards. Its alternate ability Sturdy also supports this anti-lead role, albeit in a different way. Alternatively, you can build it as a physical sweeper to hit hard with the recoil moves it can access, and take advantage of its unique ability that lets it survive an attack whose recoil otherwise would knock it down. Another handy option is its Hidden Ability Magnet Pull, which lets it trap fellow Steel Pokemon and punish them hard with Fire STAB attacks; this role is further strengthened by the fact that few Steels have as much base Speed as this Pokemon. Burn Up is an interesting move in its movepool that could even be used defensively by making the Pokemon lose its Fire Type, turning it into a pure Steel that will allow it take some hits better, and drop its weakness to Ground to x2. Next:A sea sponge-themed Pokemon. Flavor moves are encouraged, at the very least it should be able to access Shore Up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted February 22, 2018 Report Share Posted February 22, 2018 Double post to unclog this thread and try again [spoiler=Spongoxin]Spongoxin (Sponge + Toxin)Sand sponge PokemonGround | PoisonBase stats: 495Stat spread: High Def and Sp.Def (~140 and ~120), low HP, Atk, Sp.Atk (~50 and ~60), really low Spd (~30)Appearance: Resembles a spiky sea sponge. Despite its appearance and living in shores, it's not actually Water-type.Abilities:Water Absorb | CorrosionHidden: RegeneratorNotable & flavor moves:Mud-SlapMud ShotEarth PowerEarthquakeSand TombSludge BombSludge WaveGunk ShotVenoshockClear SmogAcid SprayRock TombAncient PowerInfestationLeech LifeTwineedlePin MissileGiga DrainSpikesToxic SpikesStealth RockSandstormBaneful BunkerAcid ArmorProtectGastro AcidShore UpToxicTauntHazeStockpileYawnIngrainRole:A more defensive alternative of Nidoqueen and, admittedly a Ground opposite for Toxapex. Poison-type keeps it safe from Toxic and gives it access to poisoning tools like Toxic Spikes and Baneful Bunker. For flavor hints as a Toxapex opposite, the Poison type neutralizes Ground's weakness to Grass and it can access a recovery move, in its case Shore Up instead of Recover, giving it an edge with the extra recovery in a sandstorm. However, differences between them besides the primary typing is that, unlike Toxapex, it's unable to induce burns through Scald, making it more difficult for it to tank physical hits. On the other hand, it can focus on inducing Poison/Toxic statuses, especially backed up by the Corrosion ability. Speaking of abilities, Regenerator should be self-explanatory, but Water Absorb can further enhance its resistances. Next:A Pokemon with the following ability:Wavedasher: Increases the priority of moves with 55 or less Base Power by 1.(This also applies to moves that already have a priority value. For instance, moves like Aqua Jet reach a priority of +2). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 23, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 23, 2018 AcceraphinWater4'1175 lb65 / 102 / 75 / 102 / 75 / 116 Wavedasher Notable moves:- Aqua Jet- Quick Attack- Waterfall- Icy Wind- Charge Beam- Hydro Pump- Dazzling Gleam- Vacuum Wave- Psychic- U-Turn Give it some small priority moves, but also need some larger ones that deal enough damage. Also for people who wanted a dolphin Pokémon, you sort of got one. ==== Can set eternal sandstorm while it's out. (Or think of Gen 5 T-tar/Hippowdon, I guess) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted February 23, 2018 Report Share Posted February 23, 2018 ComessureIce/Ground3'2"510 lbs.Microclimate - Weather/terrain effects do not end. If damage is inflicted by hazards or weather, this Pokémon's HP recovers slightly. In the field: Pokémon caught while a weather effect that benefits their Type is active are guaranteed to have maximum IVs in one stat.100/40/120/40/120/30 A weather wall that works really well as a stall 'mon that takes advantage of the damage that the Stealth Rocks and Spikes its partners lay down by getting essentially a Leftovers every time your opponent switches in, potentially more if both are down. And if you hide this Pokémon in a sand or hail team, may God have mercy on your opponent. It'll probably carry Stockpile, entry hazards, maybe some weather moves of its own to set up, and if you really want to inflict damage it can learn most moves of both its Types, plus things like Gyro Ball, Power-Up Punch, and even Rapid Spin, ironically enough. If your opponent has Magic Guard, though, you're pretty screwed. An early bug that can really take advantage of the Type and its staples (Compound Eyes, Technician, evolving quickly, etc.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 23, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 23, 2018 Arachnepido (arachne + rápido)Bug3'1193 lb50 / 100 / 40 / 60 / 40 / 110Technician Evolves from Spinarak at level 16 while the combined Speed total of all other Pokémon in the party equals or exceeds 200. ===Generally learns Shadow Sneak, Thief, Knock Off, U-Turn, Bug Bite, Leech Life and some other stuff. (So yeah, Spinarak doesn't evolve into something crappy)=== Fairy / Fire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted February 23, 2018 Report Share Posted February 23, 2018 Cindistrate Fairy/Fire5'1"110 lbs.Magic Guard / Skill Link (Solar Power)100/50/80/100/120/100 A very specially-oriented Pokémon, covering bases as both a great special wall and pretty good special sweeper. Basically just very well rounded, typically carrying Moonblast and Flamethrower, but is capable of running BoltBeam coverage, most Psychic, Ghost, and Dark moves, a bunch of healing and buffing moves, and (appropriately enough for a mage) Explosion. Just, uh . . . be careful of Tentacruel. Here's an interesting one: Design an evolution for Predincense. For a rep, include how it evolves. For three, include a moveset.[spoiler=Predincense]Fire/Grass4'2"95 lbs.Big Jaws/Solar Power (Heavy Haze- if another Pokémon's stats are lowered, this one's increase by the same amount. Out of battle, this lowers prices in shops- including in the Battle Frontier/Tower/Subway- and makes Repels wear off faster.)80/95/50/100/80/90 Very aggressive early mon, yeah cool whatever, but Grass/Fire incense-spewing hellhound made of plants, its legs are dry leaves, its head looks like a long, narrow Venus flytrap, the inside of its mouth glows, etc. I also want to talk about its HA: in doubles, if it's paired with something that has Intimidate, it will start every battle with +2 to its physical attack. If anyone out besides itself uses Curse, Predincense gets faster. If someone else has Moody, Predincense has "Moody but better". Smokescreen becomes an accuracy boost, Screech becomes Iron Defense, Bulldoze becomes Flame Charge, etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted February 23, 2018 Report Share Posted February 23, 2018 IMO its hidden ability is broken but I will have fun with the prompt anyway. Also, I'm assuming you meant Strong Jaw instead of Big Jaws. [spoiler=Promincense]Promincense (Prominence + incense)Incense hound PokemonFire | GrassStats: 90/95/55/105/85/110 Evolution method:Evolves from Predincense starting from Level 45 after defeating a Pokemon encountered by using Sweet Scent outside of battle. Abilities:Strong Jaw | Solar PowerHidden: Heavy Haze - if another Pokémon's stats are lowered, this one's increase by the same amount. Out of battle, this lowers prices in shops, including in the Battle Frontier/Tower/Subway, and makes Repels wear off faster.Notable & flavor moves:Fire FangFlare BlitzFire BlastFlamethrowerMystical FireBurn UpEnergy BallGrass KnotSolar BeamPetal DanceLeaf BladeIce/Thunder FangPsychic FangsWild ChargePlay RoughBiteCrunchMoonblastSnarlDrill RunBulldozeMud ShotHidden Power GrowthHazeSmokescreenSleep PowderStun SporeWill-O-WispAromatherapyAromatic MistSweet ScentRoarOdor SleuthCalm MindCurseGrowlLeerConfideSubstituteProtect Role:Special sweeper or fast disruptor. With Solar Power it can deliver strong special attacks and further boost itself with Growth. That aside, it gets some stat reduction moves to play in combination with its hidden ability, including offensive ones such as Energy Ball, Mystical Fire and non-STAB Mud Shot, Crunch, Snarl. Moreover, it can resort to some support moves like the powders, Haze and Aromatherapy, the latter 2 being flavorful due to its incense theme, backed up by its 110 base Speed. Suggested movesets:Promincense @ Life Orb/Choice SpecsAbility: Solar PowerEVs: 4 HP / 252 Satk / 252 SpdTimid NatureIVs: NaN Atk [Adjusted for Hidden Powers]- Solar Beam/Petal Dance- Flamethrower/Fire Blast- Growth/Moonblast- Hidden Power [Water/Ground/Rock]/Mud ShotSomewhat straightforward Special sweeper. Cannot really think of anything that resists Grass, Fire and Fairy at the moment so the last moveslot could be used for any of its available support moves.Actually, most Fire Pokemon would resist them, so Hidden Power Water/Ground/Rock should be handy. Promincense @ LeftoversAbility: Heavy HazeEVs: 4 HP / 252 Satk / 252 SpdTimid NatureIVs: NaN Atk- Energy Ball- Mystical Fire- Moonblast- Substitute/Snarl/Mud ShotGain boosts from Mystical Fire and Snarl or Mud Shot and cover with STABed Energy Ball as well as Moonblast with their occasional stat drop+boost. Other options:95 base ATK should be workable to build physical movesets intended to take the opponent by surprise. In this case, Flare Blitz and Leaf Blade would be reliable STAB moves, while Drill Run, Wild Charge, Play Rough and the fangs can provide coverage. Burn Up can be used to take down unsuspecting physical walls attempting to tank it. If going for Strong Jaws, biting moves should be viable. If going for Heavy Haze, then Bulldoze and Play Rough can be used for boosting stats. Next:A Pokemon that introduces an inverse version of Heat Crash (the lighter the Pokemon is in comparison with the foe, the higher the base power) and takes advantage of it with a low weight or moves/abilities that reduce its weight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted February 23, 2018 Report Share Posted February 23, 2018 . . . Yes, I did mean Strong Jaw. Have your reps. /skip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 AurakalcPsychic4'7 (1.4 m)61.7 lb (28 kg)65 / 70 / 60 / 115 / 60 / 115 Psychokinetic [Psychic equivalent of Scrappy]Intimidate Movepool (notable moves) Differential Shockwave (Special / Psychic / ?? BP / 20 PP): The lower the user's weight compared to the target, the greater damage it causes. Base Power: 20 x (target weight / user weight); caps at 120 BP.(Unless you want to see heavy Pokémon getting KO'd from 714.2 BP at most if the limiter weren't here. Idea comes from pressure difference in fluids/gases, I guess.) PsyshockPsychicShadow BallThunderboltFocus BlastHidden PowerSignal BeamRecoverProtectFlash Cannon Movepool needs to be fleshed out more, but IDK, where would this go in the tiering list? I'm thinking high OU or Ubers; hopefully not the latter. ====Pokémon based on a draco lizard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 That's a long name for a regular move xD checked the move list and it appears only Z-Moves have longer names. Doesn't look good enough for OU, actually. Alakazam has much higher Satk and Spe and it takes its Mega form for it to get in OU. [spoiler=Lavodraco]Lavodraco (a play on lava, and half-anagram on volar, spanish for the verb fly + draco, also a play with Draco volans species)Glider PokemonDragon | FireTotal Base stats: 540Stat spread: 75/120/97/62/73/113 Abilities:Shed Skin | Rough SkinHidden: Glide - When a move associated with wind or flight is used, including by other Pokemon in some cases, the Pokemon levitates for the next 5 turns (Levitate/Magnet Rise effect), also the base power of Flying-type moves is increased by 50% (simulates Flying STAB). This ability applies before the damage is calculated, which means a Flying move triggering the ability will benefit from the damage boost.Examples of moves that trigger this ability:By any Pokemon:GustAir CutterAir SlashTwisterHurricaneSilver WindOminous WindHeat Wave (Hot Wind in Japanese)Razor WindFairy WindIcy WindDefogTailwindWhirlwind By the user:AcrobaticsFlyBounceDragon AscentAerial AceSky DropSky AttackSupersonic SkystrikeSky Uppercut(In case of Fly, Bounce, etc. the ability will apply during the turn they rise) Appearance: Resembles a tree lizard normally. There are actually different variants, depending on the habitat they live, and they have a different ability. One can more or less tell by the appearance of its skin. However, every now and then you can find one that sports membranes that let them glide, resembling more a draco lizard.Notable & flavor moves:Fire FangFlame ChargeFlare BlitzFlamethrower/Fire BlastBurn UpOverheatLava PlumeHeat WaveFire SpinDragon TailDragon ClawDual ChopOutrageDragon PulseDraco MeteorTwisterAcrobaticsSky DropAerial AceBounceFlyIce/Thunder FangRock Slide/Stone EdgeEarthquakeBulldozeSky UppercutU-TurnHidden Power DefogTailwindMirror MoveDragon DanceSwords DanceAgilityBulk UpWill-O-WispTauntSubstituteProtectToxic Role:Physical sweeper. With base Atk and Spe above 100, plus access to setup moves such as Swords Dance, Dragon Dance and Agility, it can be a rather straightforward setup sweeper. Its base Def isn't that bad, either, giving it the possibility to take some physical hits and going for more defensive builds with Bulk Up and take advantage of its Skin abilities, although Glider most likely will be the go-to ability since it increases its offensive power with the pseudo-STAB on Flying and also enhances its defenses by turning it immune to Ground hazards and Ground attacks, to which is weak to from its Fire type. Also its 113 base Spe should put it in a rather interesting position within the Speed tiers. Finally, it also has access to a Flying support moves Defog and Tailwind, which not only are backed up by its high base Spe, also they will trigger its Glider ability. Next:A Pokemon that introduces a new ability and/or move that involves weight. To pitch some ideas, it could be a hazard that hinders Pokemon the heavier they are, or take an opposite approach and make it a support effect that boosts lightweight Pokemon, and so on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 Even if it went up to 150 instead? Hmm, guess power creep got to it or it's Tapu meta now. Then again, not like I fleshed out the movepool much or anything. (Also side note that I originally planned on it having base 125 Sp Atk; might've helped a bit in the power department even if it could screw over Darks. Not that Koko (the Tapu), Lele and Greninja care though.) KarasweeperFighting5'11175 lb80 / 130 / 80 / 60 / 80 / 100 ScrappySpirit Rush (lowers the Defense and Sp.Def of the opponent's Pokemon when switched in by 1 stage)Guts (HA) Moves Joint Strike (Physical / Fighting / 60 BP / 20 PP): The user attacks the target's legs or support joints, causing them to collapse. This attack inflicts more damage the heavier the target. Base 60 power up until 50 kg (110.1 lb)+20 damage for every increment of 20 kg (44.1 lb) Caps at 160 base power. [basically, anything over 250 kg / 551 lb will get hit with maximum power.] You can imagine this as a kick to the knee caps on stuff with legs [attack joints and people fall down]; other stuff can be support pegs or something (i.e. if you were to use this on Celesteela or something in-game / anime / whatever). ==== Close CombatIron HeadElemental punchesEndureRock SlideLow SweepKarate ChopThroat ChopZen HeadbuttStone EdgePoison JabKnock Off (Uh, copy parts of Sawk's movepool here since they're based on the same martial art, more/less. Change specifics later, though I probably just outclassed him, save for being unable to survive OHKOs / not get flinched.) ======Pokemon with an inverse equivalent of Gyro Ball (faster you are than opponent, then more damage you deal). (inb4 this lands up on Pheromosa/Deo-Speed sets) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 On 2/25/2018 at 12:05 PM, Flash Flyer - Sakura said: Even if it went up to 150 instead? Hmm, guess power creep got to it or it's Tapu meta now. Then again, not like I fleshed out the movepool much or anything. (Also side note that I originally planned on it having base 125 Sp Atk; might've helped a bit in the power department even if it could screw over Darks. Not that Koko (the Tapu), Lele and Greninja care though.) ======Pokemon with an inverse equivalent of Gyro Ball (faster you are than opponent, then more damage you deal). (inb4 this lands up on Pheromosa/Deo-Speed sets) The move is fine, IMO, it's the Pokemon which could have higher stats if it wants any shot at OU. I mean, not only you went for a low BST of 485, also despite its special sweeping stats, those aren't high enough. 125 Satk would help for sure. Why Spirit Rush drops 2 stats? 1 would have been enough as an Intimidate counterpart, IMO.Also was hoping for some meta-defining entry hazard/temporary effect like Trick Room/Tailwind, but didn't want to be too specific the prompt. Such move already exists: Electro Ball xDAn Electro Ball with different Type would be welcomed, though. [spoiler=Terrostick]Terrostick (terror + stick)Stickbug PokemonBug | DarkTotal Base stats: 550Stat spread: High Atk and Spe, decent Def, low to average HP, Satk, Sdef Abilities:Sharp Edge: Increases the power of slashing and claw moves by 35%. E.g. Slash, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut, Cross Poison, X-Scissor, Cut, Fury Cutter, Shadow Claw, Dragon Claw, Crush Claw, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, Razor Shell, Water Shuriken, Fury Swipes, Scratch.Skill LinkHidden: Speed Boost Appearance: Resembles a stick bug with sharp legs and a stinger in its tail.Notable & flavor moves:LungeX-ScissorBug BiteFirst ImpressionFell StingerPin MissileU-TurnTwineedleFury CutterSucker PunchKnock OffNight SlashThroat ChopPursuitRock Slide/Stone EdgeRock BlastDrill RunPoison StingPoison JabCross PoisonSpike CannonReturnHidden Power Ambush CrawlType: BugCategory: PhysicalPower: --Accuracy: 100%PP: 10Effect: Physical Bug-type version of Electro Ball AgilitySwords DanceSticky WebTauntSwitcherooSubstituteProtectRole:Physical Sweeper and fast Sticky Web setter. Either take advantage of Skill Linked Pin Missile + Rock Blast, go for Sharp Edge + coverage, or take advantage of its Bug-type version of Electro Ball in combination with Speed Boost + Sticky Web. Next:Pokemon with an Ability that improves offensive moves with no additional effects. Think of a inverse Sheer Force. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Perry Ellis. Posted February 25, 2018 Report Share Posted February 25, 2018 This is a final evolution for a starter I made up a while back, its Hidden Ability is actually the prompt with a twist [spoiler= Monoloth]Name: MonolothType: Grass / RockAbility: Overgrow Hidden Ability: Stone Age** Stone Age: Moves with no additional effects also count as Rock TypeHeight: 7'11"~ 8'3"Weight - 450 lbs. ~ 520 lbs. Stats: 95/130/120/55/95/40Notable moves - Seed Bomb- Petal Blizzard- Power Whip- Rock Polish- Ancient Fist*- Rock Slide- Drain Punch- Mega Kick *Ancient Fist:- Battle Type: Rock- Category: Physical- Power Points: 10- Base Power: 95- Accuracy: 95 Next up: a Pokemon based on an animal mixed with a taxi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted February 26, 2018 Report Share Posted February 26, 2018 Funnily enough, that move would be the strongest Rock-type attack that makes contact. I assume it would be boosted by Iron Fist? [spoiler=Panthexpress]PanthexpressNormal | FireTotal Base stats: 530Stat spread: High Atk and SpeAbilities:Quick Feet | Motor DriveHidden: Tough ClawsAppearance: looks like puma whose fur has a pattern that loosely resembles a taxi, with a yellow coloration and black squares. It is big enough for a human to ride it, and it can reach high speeds. It can go so fast that it heats up and appears to catch fire.Notable & flavor moves:Flame ChargeFlare BlitzFlame WheelHeat CrashExtreme SpeedReturnQuick AttackDouble EdgeThrashSlashCrush ClawUproarRock Slide/Stone EdgeCross PoisonNight SlashShadow ClawWild ChargeSnarlPursuitKnock OffSuperpowerHigh HorsepowerEarthquakeBulldozeHidden PowerAssistBulk UpAgilitySwords DanceNoble RoarRoarSubstituteProtectToxicRole:Physical sweeper. Excellent user of STABed Extreme Speed as well of High Horsepower for coverage, boosted by Tough Claws. Next:A Pokemon based on some kind of cereal crop (wheat, corn, rye, rice, etc.). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 26, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 26, 2018 Let's assume yes. Maiphazer (maize + phazer)Grass/Electric5'11250 lb95 / 70 / 110 / 110 / 110 / 45 Sap SipperResistant (Cannot be statused by an opponent, however it does not prevent self-prevented statuses from its held items, used moves by itself or an ally) HA: Electric Fence (Inflicts 1/8th of an opponent's max HP each time they switch into battle while this Pokémon is battling.) Movepool:- Energy Ball- Thunderbolt- Discharge- Roar- Whirlwind- Ingrain- Signal Beam- Leech Seed- Toxic IDK, think of GMO corn or something protected by electric fence so birds stay the hell away. Then again, hit/run playstyles get penalized pretty badly, especially if your teammate sets up Stealth Rock. Let's see how this one turns out. Pokémon that can adapt Trishula's banish effect as an ability. (So...this would require you to do some degree of phazing or something to lock the opposing team. IDK, you work out something.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted February 26, 2018 Report Share Posted February 26, 2018 BarrivernIce/Dragon7'5"540 lbs.Snow Warning/Moxie (Freezeout - When this Pokémon is switched into battle, one random move of the opposing Pokémon, and one one random move among one of the opponent's Pokémon that are not currently in battle, are disabled for the next 3 turns. This Ability is only available via event distribution.)95/105/80/120/85/115 Meet the newest addition to Ubers. While it's not exactly the greatest user of Outrage or Icicle Crash, its physical attack is high enough that you can run a solid physical move (Iron Head or Poison Jab, most likely) to take advantage of Moxie boosts. However, that's not the reason you're going to be running this pseudo-legendary monstrosity. You went to the event. You got one with Freezeout. Similarly to how people abused Trishula's effect with an unintended side effect of De-Synchro, abusing Freezeout mostly comes down to repeated use through things like Volt Switch, U-Turn, and Golisopod's Emergency Exit. While unlikely, you can potentially lock out an opposing Pokémon's entire moveset, forcing it into Struggle for a turn or two, if not forcing it to be switched out entirely. Eventually, Smogon and the like will probably ban Freezeout Barrivern, or prevent it from running moves that let it escape to use that Ability multiple times in a turn, but there's going to be at least one tournament that will be utterly destroyed by this thing. Barrivern was created as a kind of "what if Konami and Nintendo collaborated"- make a second Pokémon based on a popular Yugioh card, with a move or Ability similar to its effect! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 26, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 26, 2018 Don't forget the next prompt, @@Draconus297. //skip Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draconus297 Posted February 26, 2018 Report Share Posted February 26, 2018 I did. Read the last sentence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted February 26, 2018 Author Report Share Posted February 26, 2018 Wasn't as obvious, but yeah, it's there. I'll do the prompt / edit post when I get home. Drakostar (based on Stardust Dragon / Shooting Star for lack of better stuff to convert between YGO and Pokémon)Dragon/Flying13'10" (4.22 m)485 lb (220 kg)90 / 125 / 100 / 70 / 100 / 115 Abilities Meteor Rush: In a multi-battle, this Pokémon's attacks hit all opponents adjacent to it without damage reduction due to spread damage. In single battles, this Pokémon hits twice when it attacks, but the second hit is reduced by 50%) Star Sanctuary: This Pokémon and its allies cannot receive status from an opponent's Pokémon. Clear Mind: Each time it knocks out a Pokémon, its Speed increases by 1 stage) Last one should be geared for Special Attack or something, but who's going to argue with increased speed boosts. Movepool Stardust Rush*Dragon ClawOutrageWild ChargeExtreme SpeedDouble EdgeFlare BlitzTailwindRecoverU-TurnEarthquakeReflect TypeSpeed Mirage**Iron TailReflect / Light ScreenDragon Dance (There's more, but I cbb to go look for tutor attacks and all either) * [Physical / Flying / 100 BP / 10 PP] - No added effects.** [status / Psychic / 20 PP] - The user switches out with a Pokémon in the party. This move has +2 priority. First one is to give a Physical Flying STAB that doesn't suck and make good flavor sense. (Then again, M-Ray would probably kill for this right about now because this doesn't lower your defenses). Second one is kinda like Stardust's Victim Sanctuary (or SSD's banish effect); you would use this if you're facing a Pokémon that has SE STAB and you know they outspeed and/or opponent switches in to something that you can't severely maim / OHKO [or deal with Prankster 'mons]. Moreso if you use Meteor Rush as an ability instead of Clear Mind. For what it's worth, this Pokémon does resemble Shooting Star Dragon a bit, but with some changes. IDK, whoever wants to draw this 'mon can. In usage, just pick whatever moves you find appropriate, given team support and what you have to face. I suspect this is either going high OU or Ubers because of its abilities / movepool and so forth. * plays actual Clear Mind song while using this. * Let's continue with the trend: Make another Pokémon that ports a Yugioh monster into here.(Not like we don't already port Pokémon into YGO on a semi-daily basis anyway...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted February 27, 2018 Report Share Posted February 27, 2018 Why would Clear Mind be geared for special Attacks? It works just fine with physical attacks. The first Ability would put it in Uber territory, but with the others it actually look like OU level but IDK, they could be higher.Speed Mirage is redundant since you can just manually switch the Pokemon out for the same effect. [spoiler=Geachevaler]Geachevaler (gear + chevalier)SteelTotal Base stats: 530Stat spread: High defenses, average HP and Atk, low Sp.AtkAppearance: Ancient Gear Knight, basically. Going for Knight because the lance and shield gives it access to more flavor moves, namely piercing, horn and shield moves.Abilities:Sand ForceStance Change (from event): Like Aegislash, it changes to a form with more offense-oriented stats when attacking, and reverts to a defensive form when using King's Shield. (reflects its Gemini subtype).Hidden: Bulletproof Notable & flavor moves:Iron HeadSmart StrikeGear GrindBullet PunchFlash CannonDrill RunAncient PowerRock Slide/Stone EdgeMegahornHorn LeechDrill PeckPoison JabVolt SwitchRapid SpinReturnHidden Power Metal BurstGear ShiftAutonomizeIron DefenseKing's ShieldSpiky ShieldSpikesStealth RockShore UpSwords DanceSubstituteProtectToxicRole:Pure-Steel type tank and set-up sweeper. It has a niche by being among the few defensive pure Steels with a reliable recovery move. Its hidden ability allows it to play similarly to Aegislash, although its stats in its attack forme aren't as convenient to keep it in the OU side, also it would be distributed by event and its Nature most likely would be locked into a neutral or non-advantageous one. Next:Make a Pokemon owned by an Elite 4, with its own Battle Bond form and ability. Improving the signature move of the Pokemon through the ability is encouraged, in a similar way to how Battle Bond modifies Water Shuriken. Needless to say, the battle form Pokemon must resemble its trainer in some way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darj Posted March 6, 2018 Report Share Posted March 6, 2018 Unclogging the thread: [spoiler=Grimsley-Bisharp]Grimsley-BisharpDark | SteelTotal Base stats: 500Stat spread:65/175/150/60/80/70Abilities:Blade Bond: Defeating an opposing Pokémon strengthens the Pokémon's bond with its Trainer, and it becomes Grimsley-Bisharp. Night Slash gains +20 Base Power and its Critical Hit Ratio is further increased (equivalent to +2 stages)Appearance: looks like a Bisharp with a helmet that resembles Grimsley's hair. The blades in its arms are also enlarged slightly.Moveset:Same as BisharpRole:Physical sweeper. Performs the same as Bisharp, but the higher Atk and defenses make it deadlier. Also it may make Night Slash preferable over Knock-Off. Next:A Pokemon with an Ability that sets a 5-turn barrier (and thus breakable by Brick Break, Psychic Fangs, and affected by Light Clay) that applies a Inverse Battle effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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