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YCMember Deprecation Thread


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In this thread just post a ycmember's name that you dislike or think is unfunny or stupid and what you dislike about them. Spread the hate for your least favorite members.


I'll start: Rewas is really uncool, he knows NO cool anime and etc and is never fun to talk to, as he is never able to find something new and fun.



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In no particular order, other than the order I remembered them in:


Enguin for being unfunny whilst thinking he's funny, and for begging for reps in a rather obnoxious fashion. Also for making this thread.

Lambdadelta for betraying her kind and joining the alt right

The Nyx Avatar for posting questions and answering his own question in a comment/another post rather than in the OP. And for just generally being a noob.

notcleverusername for using the "daily reminder" meme

The Highlander for generally being a noob.

Anyone who hates on Links.

BLASTERZ for being a (alt-right? idk) troll who shitposts in custom cards.

Kaiji for talking in code half the time

Darj for being a noob... and likeable with it >:(

Azuriena for telling me that I can't do certain things with my cards

Metalsonic for generally being a noob

Catterjune for only posting in RP or Creative Writing or one of those other sheet sections that I never visit.

VCR_Cat for being an outspoken Christian, and for not liking my bottemless trap hole retrain that happened to be a Counter Trap

Drearia for going on about music and for certain disagreements we had while 2099 was still going on.

SANDAA BORUTO for being a noob, and for having an all-caps name, and for Raigeki being their image

Zaziuma for pretending to be good at yugioh (knows how to word custom cards etc) but in reality just being a slightly above average noob.

Thomas Zero for being the biggest funking noob ever

vla1ne for posting massive walls of text in debates, with no grammar or formatting to boot


That's probably not it yet, but I can't be bothered with any more.

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Surprised I haven't been mentioned.


Giga for always typing in annoying purple text and making me dig up ( and ) on mobile. My lazy ass can't handle all this work.


Rai for being in the ai club and never helping us plot world domination.


Everyone else for not coming to RP and joining my dominion of awesomeness.

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