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Monsters: 21

3 Exxod, Master of the Guard: Boss

3 Guardian Sphinx: Removal, Exxod sack.

3 Giant Rat: Searches Crio.

3 Criosphinx: Exxod sack.

3 Moai Interceptor Cannons: Flipper for Exxod's burn.

3 Golem Sentry: Flipper for Exxod's burn.

3 Stronghold Guardian: Honest.


Spells: 5

2 Transmodify: Turns Moai/Sentry into Crio.

1 A Wild Monster Appears!: Summon Exxod.

2 Cosmic Cyclone/ Mystical Space Typhoon/ whatever S/T removal


Traps: 16

3 Back to the Front: Revives monster in Defense Position.

2 Battle Mania: Finisher.

2 D2 Shield: Doubles a monster's DEF.

2 Rock Bombardment: Dump a Rock monster from deck.

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Ojama Trio: Give opponent Battle Mania attackers.

2 Ojama Duo: Same as Trio.

2 Scrum Force: Protects monsters.


Extra Deck: 15

2-3 Gogogo Goliath

12-13 of anything else to make 15

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