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13 dead in Barcelona attack


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Look it up yourselves, it happened 2 hours ago so the story is still developing and breaking and most sites have the same information; at least 13 dead and continuing the hip trend of van-based attacks.


Just for Yui-senpai <3 -


"At least one person died and 32 were injured after a van ploughed into crowds in Barcelona's famous Las Ramblas tourist area, police say.

The vehicle sped along the pedestrianised area, mowing down people and sending others fleeing for cover in shops and cafes.

Witnesses said the van had deliberately targeted people before coming to a stop.

Police are treating the incident as a terrorist attack.

Media reports said the driver of the vehicle had fled on foot."


That's from the BBC initial report, most are now reporting 13 dead.

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No way to candy-coat what I'd like to say, so, simply put, that sucks. Would've been nice if you could provide some details in the thread itself about the attack, but I've got the general gist from looking at your link. As for what's going down in Barcelona, I really have no idea what should be done in response, but hopefully whatever is done turns out to be the best decision in the long run.

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Has there been a lot of van murder recently? That...is a weird sentence but I'm actually wondering.

An Islamist terrorist killed some people with a van earlier this year in London. A Nazi terrorist killed someone with a car earlier this week in Charlottesville.


That's all I can think of right now.


Anyway, on topic: Rest in peace I suppose.

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Has there been a lot of van murder recently? That...is a weird sentence but I'm actually wondering.

This is at least the 6th motor veichle terrorist attack in about 12 months in Europe.


A van ramming into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice last June.

An truck ramming a Christmas Market in Berlin in December last.

A truck attack in Stockholm Sweden in April.

The Westminster Bridge attack in London that resulted in a policeman being stabbed in March

The London Bridge attack, where three man with knives stepped out after the ramming and started to attack crowds in early June

An attack at Finsbury Park Mosque, London in late June.


All save the last one were commited by ISIS, or claimed by ISIS. The last one was a bloke from Cardiff who wanted (In part) retalliation for the London Bridge attack.


This is just instances of Islamic terror, or responses to Islamic terror, and solely in Europe. Go globally, the number will ramp up.


They are very common for terrorist attacks, but not common to the point of 'dear god, what can we do?'

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Another Isis attack in Europe?  Whod've thunk.  These atrocities have gone on long enough.  No one wants to have the real talks, an open dialogue.  Europe has become complacent with it's monthly terror attacks.  They don't want to connect the dots.  How much more blood must be spilled before anyone opens their eyes?  

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Another Isis attack in Europe?  Whod've thunk.  These atrocities have gone on long enough.  No one wants to have the real talks, an open dialogue.  Europe has become complacent with it's monthly terror attacks.  They don't want to connect the dots.  How much more blood must be spilled before anyone opens their eyes?  

suggest a solution

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