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Hi everyone, greetings from Italy!


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Hello everyone!

I've been playing YGO since Duel Monsters, and I've always wanted to make my own cards, so after writing the text of many cards, I finally decided to actually use the Card Maker.

My favourite deck is, of course, Majespecter, but they nerfed Pendulums in the Link Format, so now I'm trying a Cloudian-spam deck.

I'm from Italy so I might have a few problems writing in English, but I'll try my best.

I have only one problem with the Card Maker: when I click the card after generating it, it doens't show me the proper URL, so I can't post cards yet...


Well, that will be enough, I guess.

Nice to meet you.


P.S. I've already read the rules.

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The cardmaker's been broken since March 2016 [well, at least the uploader and some other functions]. You can still post them, but the workaround is a lot more tedious (or just write out the information in text form; most of the time, you can just copy/paste your effects and all). 




But yeah, welcome to YCM. 

Since you read the rules, I'll just abbreviate the usual speech to "make sure you check on them on a regular basis, because things do change from time to time". 


If you need help, feel free to PM me or another moderator. 


Don't worry if your English isn't good; we have some members here whose mother tongue isn't this and have their own problems. Just try your best. 


Have fun and enjoy your stay :D

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Welcome to YCM, name's Chaotic Angel.


Seeming as you have read the rules already I won't need to worry about explaining everything.


There are other things to do than just card making, just so you know. There's the RP and Creative Writing sections where you get to show off your writing to other people or you can join clubs and play games.


My forte is RPing though, as well as Creative Writing. If you want to know about them or at least join one then let me, Yui or Zai know. The other two know a bit more than me but I have enough knowledge to be of some help too.


Anyway, enjoy your stay here. You are here forever so...

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