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right now I'm driving a beat up Benz 400E ('92) that can't pass smog and because of that can't be registered oops


Runs good, is automatic, but takes only premium gas


It's a good starter and it's been about as much trouble as a $600 dollar car is expected to be

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Right now I'm driving a 1996 Ford Escort LX, the guy I bought it from either bought it from a guy who had it tuned for racing or he himself tuned it for racing because the back end sits higher than the front end, it sounds like a beast when I press the gas, and it has a set of low profile tires on it too. I love it but eventually I wanna either get me a late 90's early 2000's Ford Ranger or I wanna get a 2013 Ford Raptor

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Currently driving


Parent's 2004-2005 Saturn Ion (then again, I only drive on weekends and any vacation days I have; before rush hour traffic.) Works well and has autolocking; I can drive that one because it doesn't jump as much and I have a bigger safety cushion in terms of driving (considering how I have tendency to drive fast, albeit within the speed limit). 


Yes, the car is (technically) old but still works well; despite problems with the air conditioning recently. There were other problems a few years back, but I forgot what they were.


Would like to drive


As much as I'd like to keep using the car I have now, it will eventually go down the drain as age takes its toll. Not really fussed about a particular model, but at least one that's cheap enough, runs well with good fuel mileage and looks decent. (I don't need a luxury car.)


(Should learn to drive my parent's Nissan Versa eventually, but I've been told it's a lot different than driving the other one.)

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Driving a 2005 dodge caravan (yea I know) These things have near indestructible engines and trannies. Im almost at 200,000km and barely any problems.


My friend has a manual Audi A4 that hes selling since he busted his knee and cant drive stick any more. Hopefully he gives me a good price because I would buy that car in a heartbeat.

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I just drive my parents' 2006 Honda Civic when I'm at home. Car handles fine, it's what I learned to drive in so I'm used to it.


Other than that, though, I don't own a car and don't plan to for a while. The city in which I live is notorious for horrifically overpriced parking, and the public transportation network is strong enough that I don't really need a car. My apartment is within five minutes of three different train stops, haha.

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Blue 2001 Mitsubishi Lancer: It's like driving a funking go cart everywhere. My heater is broken too, so in the winter I take turns driving with one hand while I heat up the other by sticking it between my legs. I love this car, but insurance said it's so old they would rather buy it then actually fix the dent on my bumper. I also have to sometimes hit my dashboard for my speakers to properly work. 


Still love it tho. 

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Currently driving: '05 Chrysler Sebring convertible; dark gray in color.


Previous cars:


'99 Toyota camry; dark green in color.  Was a nice car for a few years but tranny was like "funk this, I'm out!".  Was able to go backwards just fine but forwards was a big no-no.


Also drove a Ford Focus about 6-7 years ago or so, but totaled that one.  At night, turning left onto the Interstate, but didn't see the other car coming over the hill.  Spun a few times and wound up in the ditch on the opposite side of the road.  Only a few bumps and some whiplash, but no major injuries.

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  On 8/10/2017 at 4:29 PM, Night said:

I live in nyc, parking is a myth. My ass rides the subway like every other funk in this sheet hole of a city.

My ass also rides public transport as I don't own a car and I probs won't anytime soon.


As such, I have no preference as to what I would like to drive, though I wouldn't mind driving a hot hatchback.

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