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Sets I made


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This is where I put all the sets that I ever made with a description of the set, it's more notable cards, and what it's about.



My first set on this site and the largest one so far. It contains all the random cards I make that don't really fit into the other sets.

Notable cards:

John Cena The WWE Wrestler: My first card. Period. It was basically an Exodia clone with less support and more ATK. I still hold it dear to this day.

Moral Event Horizon: My first Trap Card, with some of the biggest erratas I have ever made.

John Cena Prank Call: My first Spell on the site. It was the only support for John Cena.

Timeline Dewonderization: My first Ritual Spell. You can probably guess what comes next.

Rama, The Allergic Witch of Time: My first Ritual Monster and a pretty decent draw engine as well.

Number 666: Illuminati Confirmed: My first Xyz Monster and the most heavily nerfed one to date. It used to be a Rank 6 4600 ATK monster. Now it's only 3000.


ASDF: My second proper set. It contains the "ASDF" archetype which focuses in destroying monsters and using effects from asdfmovie. The bosses are Fusions and focus on Special Summoning. It's still mixed with SKDJW but I will separate the cards eventually.

Notable cards:

ASDF I Like Trains Kid: My first proper Archetype member (unless you count "WWE Wrestler" to be a proper archetype) but it didn't use to be part of an archetype until I had the idea.

ASDF Singer LilDeuceDeuce: My first Fusion Monster.


EVOL: My third set that is full of TypEvo, a Pokémon and Special Summoning themed archetype.

Notable cards:

DNA Test Tube: My first Tuner.

Mewtwo, TypEvolegend Engineered Fighter: My first Synchro Monster.

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