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Holy Cow finished:




This has taught me sooooo much. OoO the base dark green was the darkest colour I have in my markers, so to shade it.... I used blue. Haha. Worked quite well, yay for colour theory. XDDDDD


The King sketch (plz tell me whether to add the backpack or not. Right now I feel it would be a bit too crowded in the area, but if it's important it cannot be helped. 0w0 Also, feedback on the custom DD design, I just couldn't bring myself to rip off of the show's design... They are just very personalized. :3)




J Max wow, that some detail, man. 070 Gives off a bit of "Egyptian god" vibe. :D Is that traditional or digital, I can't really tell. XD

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Can I call dibs on a slot for round 2? Because damn kid u got some skillz.


Number in a queue: 1 / 5
Final look: Linework only (Is it possible to get a scan of this? Because I wanna try my hand at coloring on my tablet)
Request: an anthropomorphic blue-tongued skink, preferably with the tongue out. Feel free to take lots of creative liberties. 
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The King sketch (plz tell me whether to add the backpack or not. Right now I feel it would be a bit too crowded in the area, but if it's important it cannot be helped. 0w0 Also, feedback on the custom DD design, I just couldn't bring myself to rip off of the show's design... They are just very personalized. :3)


Without the backpack is fine. As for the custom duel disk, I like the design, it looks really good. Heck, the entire drawing looks really good. You're an awesome artist. I can't wait for you to color it.


Also for when you color it, could you make the duel disk white? (As for blade color, you can make it whatever.)

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Huff, that will be a long post haha. :D


Aez: To call dibs please fill in the short form at the end of this post. :D Also please note the queue MAY be closed for as long as a month or even a bit more. I highlighted may because I do not really know how will I feel doing both hard physical labor and drawing, everything is a possibility at this point. :3


TheKing: Yes, of course! :D I'm on it, I hope to finish it today. :D


Holy Cow: Hm, I thought about it for a bit, and decided to make some changes in the drawing. :3


[spoiler=different eyes] If you like these more than the original ones, I will make a photo of full body again and substitute it, just let me know what you think about these. XD




Goomba: Thank you XD As I said with Aez, if you want the place in second round, please fill the short form at the end, that's just for the sake of people wanting to join so that hey don't have to count how many places are left.


Amantes: That's why it's a limited service hehe XDD Also about the transition (long post ahead, mumbling very much, wow): With Maractus I decided to use only Promarkers (on Goomba's and Darj's it's mixed media with watercolour pencils) because I usually don't use greens, so there was no fear of them running out of ink. The "secret" to the transition was quite straightforward. I filled the skirt segment with bright green from the top (1), left some white space at the bottom. Then took my Mint marker and quickly put in place the shade, going a bit further than te white space I left (2), and then came back with bright green to fill in what I just drew with Mint (3). For two colours it meant painting three layers for the seamless transition. the key really was the last one, as the markers dissolve each other :D I basically used the bright green as a blender. Always use brightest colour as a blender, unless you want to shade with more than 3 colours. Worth mentioning: Thin white lines you see are a byproduct of this technique. I have to take care of the fact, that Promarker ink expands A LOT, so to leave it some space to "flow into" and make it seem intentional (smooth, reoccurring, small) is my responsibility. Once you fill in such gradient there is almost no possibility to fill these white lines without making it look bad, just drawing over them would put ugly texture into the gradient. :< Of course I'm not saying it's impossible, I just say... It's challenging. And I didn't want to ruin the drawing with experimenting lol. XDDDD


HUFF. So much writing. XD


The form:


Number in a queue: x / 5


Final look: Coloured / Linework only


Request: (please provide links to references, feel free to sketch me how you want it to look like as well :D)


--- Dat all 0-0 Reminder: queue may be open in a week or in a month. Please respect it as much as I respect your requests. ;w;

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Number in a queue: 4/5

Final Look: Colored

Request: Can you make a scene with the soldier(http://pre12.deviantart.net/d968/th/pre/f/2012/304/a/e/sfm___soldier__by_stabkamay-d5jj05g.png) and scout(https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/thumb/6/69/Scout.png/250px-Scout.png?t=20140412094156)from TF2 where they are back to back. Scout has his shotgun and the soldier has his shovel. In front of the scout is a robot soldier with a rocket launcher(https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/846949307760093058/5F9F59BCB245D671ED46655E8E3865C6BE497294/) and in front of the soldier is a robot scout with a bat(https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/45355317871426947/BE688754D4AF8D801A87157E23F9FF15CBECE6E2/)


I know this might be a bit too much to ask for, so if you deny it I understand.

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Holy Cow updated:



J-Max update: (I didn't think I wouldn't have the time to sit down and finish it properly. I plan to add small bits and pieces in my spare time, but so far this is roughly what you can expect. :3)



TheKing: I'm a bit afraid 4 characters may be a bit too much. XDD I would gladly take the request if you could limit the amount of people you want me to draw to 2 max :3 I don't want to spend too much time on one request nor do I want to rush them and draw them badly :< Glad you like the previous one :D

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