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hand destruction


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i came up with a hand destruction deck


monsters 19

3 don zaloog

1 cyber dragon

3 thestalos

1 treeborn frog

3 protector of the sanctuary

1 sangan

1 morphing jar

3 gold wu-lord of darkworld

3 needle worm


spells 14

3 hand destruction

1 card destruction

3 dark world dealings

1 monster reborn

1 premature burial

1 mystical space typhoon

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

2 enemy controller


traps 7

3 drop off

1 mirror force

1 torrential tribute

1 trap dustshoot

1 mind crush


please rate and fix

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Counter Traps and Chains


The basic rule is that Counter Traps can only be used against the card they are immediately following in a chain.


So for Counter Traps:

Chain Link 2 used against Chain Link 1 only

Chain Link 3 used against Chain Link 2 only

Chain Link 4 used against Chain Link 3 only

Chain Link 5 used against Chain Link 4 only

Chain Link 4 CANNOT be used against Chain Link 1's effect.



Player A activates "Raigeki."

Player B chains "Magic Jammer."

Player A chains "Seven Tools of the Bandit."

Player B cannot chain a second "Magic Jammer", "Magic Drain", etc. The only Counter-Traps he may activate are ones that would negate the previous step ("Seven Tools of the Bandit").

This also prevents "loading on" of "Magic Drains." So you cannot chain 2 "Magic Drains" to the same Spell Card, hoping your opponent won't be able to discard 2 Spell Cards to save his original Spell Card.


do you notice that every card after the first one is a counter?

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this has potential but and its a big but i run a hand control deck and the problem is that it lacks a punch to keep your monsters on the field i.e. don zaloog. I like to combine with counter cards and dark dragon to get field advantage. MAybe take out your mill elements in favour of counters?


^^ JoC has one MEAN hand control deck, take advice from him

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To the people arguing about chaining, there are three Spell Speeds for activating a card:



Spell Speed 1 - Can't chain to anything; can start chains.

Normal Spells

Ritual Spells

Continuous Spells

Field Spells

Equip Spells


Spell Speed 2 - Can chain to anything except Spell Speed 3; can start chains.

Normal Traps

Continuous Traps

Quick-Play Spells


Spell Speed 3 - Can chain to anything; can't start chains.

Counter Traps



Therefore, you can't chain a Normal Trap to a Counter Trap. Note that monster effects also have Spell Speeds. Also note that some cards that remain on the field, such as Field Spells, are a certain Spell Speed for activation but have a different Spell Speed after being activated; for example, Molten Destruction is Spell Speed 1 to activate, but after activation its effect is Continuous (which is technically Spell Speed 1, but which exists outside of change, making Spell Speed irrelevant), and Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins' third effect is Spell Speed 2.


Also, the deck isn't worth talking about, since it has no win condition, but Spell Speeds are worth discussing.

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