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Yesterday, I Asked You (YIAY)

King K. Azo

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So, this will be a fun little thing. Everyday, I will ask a question, and I want your answers. Serious, sarcastic, doesn't matter. Just answer. And tomorrow, I'll quote the best ones and my responses to them.


So, our first question is, "If you could make a new flavor of protein bar, what would it be?"


Leave your answers in the thread belooooooooooooow,

And I'll pick my favorites on the next episode of YIAY!


And yes, I did steal this concept from Jacksfilms.

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Yesterday, I asked you "If you could make a new flavor of protein bar, what would it be?" 

Here are your best answers.



sheet flavoured so you can feel dirty for eating healthy.

Not only that, but dogs will love them to!


Dad flavored.

Oh yes... more Daddy. More.


Super Ultra Mega Muscle DX 2.5.6 


ToysRus Exclusive

This sounds like an anime powerup.

Not the Super Ultra, but the ToysRUs exclusive


I'd make mint flavored protein bars a reality if they aren't already.


.Hmm... minty. Like the flavor of souls.



Well, not a bad start. Let's go on to question two.


"What are some things you can say about your car, but you can't say about your girlfriend?"


Leave your answers in the thread belooooooooooooow,
And I'll pick my favorites on the next episode of YIAY!
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