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Art Savers of America

Mew 101

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[align=center]If a organazation like this is already made, please don't pot here.


I've noticed alot of people stealing art & claming it as there own. Even Editing it to do so. Like KingofFrogs. He stole from all sorts from people & even broke a law. Selling something to make a profit without the owners permision or say so. I've decided to put a end to Art Thift once & fr all on this forum.


:: Art Savers of America ::


:: Ranks ::

Everyone will start at Rank 0, or Blank At Saver. The people you find stealing Art, the higher you go. The more you steal, the lower you go. If you get al the way to Rank -1, then you'll be baned from this organization. If people bust alot of prople after Rank 6, then I'll add more ranks. To go up a rank, you must multiply 2X the next rank, & thats how many you need to catch.


Owner: Dark Link!!!!!!


Co-Owner: Brodioh


Rank 6 - Art Saver:


Rank 5 - Life Like Art Saver:


Rank 4 - Detailed Art Saver:


Rank 3 - Shaded Art Saver:


Rank 2 - Colored Art Saver


Rank 1 - Sketched Art Saver


Rank 0 - Blank Art Saver: Sacred Axle Synchro


Rank -1 - Art Taker


:: Atention Members whom are not a member ::

If you find stolen art, do not report, as hat makes YCMaker mad. Insteed, PM me the Link to the thread with the stolen work, who stole it, what kind of art it is, & who it belongs to.


:: Wall of Shame ::

None Yet


:: Sign Up ::


Secialty in Art:

Best @ finding Stolen: __________


:: Members ::


Dark Link!!!!!!

Poké'Dex Entery Pages

Any Kind of Pokémon Art






Sacred Axle Snychro

Splices and banners

Splices,Card art<---[no pic credit, etc] [/align]

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