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Conflict in the Three Gateways [OOC Thread/Started/Conditional Acceptance] [R-16]

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EDIT: Apologies for the double post but I got a judgement to make.


Jake, one minor concern.


Could you clarify your morphed weapon a little bit. It's all over the place. If you can say that weapon is being morphed into something else, I'll let you in. I'm sure Kyumi agrees.

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Just clarification with the way it changes and solidifies will suffice, I'm not expecting too much out of that.


EDIT: Much better.


EDIT2: After some consideration, the dates will be moved forward for both Heaven and Purgatory's Gateways. Hell's Gateway will remain the same until another person joins.


Heaven's Gateway will now start on 16th August 2017, Purgatory will start on the 17th. Hell becomes unchanged for now.

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