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Kakekgurui is a new anime based on a gambling manga bout a girl who gambles. its gambling in a high school environment. overall its pretty gud but not as gud as kaiji or akagi


This anime isnt as good as kaiji tbh, FIRST its way too sexually charged/fanservicey. I like it when my comics have absolutely no female figures in the story. Female characters are never written well, especially in japan which is know for its still current patriarchal culture. Of course the female char gotta be sexed up


second its way too unrealistic. a high school endorsing gambling like i cant even gamble in my calculus class, at least kaiji and akagi make sense since they are both dealing with yakuzas


third the games are kinda lame, and not as fun as kaiji or akagi


anyway yeah discuss 



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THE soundtrack department is also really week too


this is the main soundtrack for the anime


meanwhile check kaiji and akagi out and we get hardcore jamz


kaiji and akagi also have underdog protags meanwhile we have rich kids like ugh who cares i work minimum wage too i can relate with these guys more

and they are also not drawn conventionally beautiful, and their face though ugly exasberate more emotion than what simple ANIMU face can do, just like real people and their struggles

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kaiji and akagi also have sheet budgets, because the studios that make these shows know that the average nerd is just a loser who is brainwashed into buying captalist merchandise, purchasing imaginary gfs because they dont have any, and giving these studios money, thereby allowing em to make more of these low effort shows and the weeaboos will keep buying it and rinse and repeat. 


kaiji and akagi tries to break the cycle and have ideas which are proven way too dangerous. corporate medias and yakuzas do not like the themes portrayed in the show, and weeaboos cannot accept reality checks, therefore both of these shows have bad budgets and struggled 2 make enough money, meanwhile kakegurui took what both show did but just add generic weeaboo crap and thus raked in cash, while erasing all the important themes that criticize consumerism capitalism yakuzas and the power of society

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Okay bro youre entiled to your opinion but I do feel the need to make some counters since im so far a big fan of this show.


First of all in regards to the fanservice yes the show is sexually charged and obviously it can be considered an ecchi however its fanservice is a fundamental aspect of the show. In looking at the way the characters are sexualized in Kakegurui it comes off as far more like an establishment of dominance versus the cutesy moe kind of fanservice prominent in other shows. The girls are provocative in a way thats intimidating, the women that are given the fanservice treatment are powerful individuals who are proud and on a higher pedestal than those below them. Its closer to a psychotic seductress than it is of a cute girls in high school kind of thing.


In regards to realism that is highly irrelevant in this case. Realism is kind of a nitpicky argument as its quite obvious that thats not what the show is going for and it rather wants to be a gambling show that puts manipulation on the forefront and tries to paint its characters in a bad light.


Yes Kakegurui doesnt have "muh deep n intelectual themes lel" but that does not mean that it doesnt have its own merits and there is no need to criticize something that doesnt need big themes for not having them. The big selling point for people who enjoy Kakegurui, including myself, comes from how the main character is portayed to be just as bad as the people who she crushes. She is manipulative, psychotic, and entirely bad and gets a thrill off of crushing the girls whom she faces off with. Unlike other manipulative protagonists (i.e. Shiro from Log Horizon) who play dirty towards the evil in order to benefit the good she does it just because she gets a thrill out of crushing the opposition, in fact from what Ive heard out of people who read the manga she only gets more sadistic and brutal in the way she defeats her opponents as the story goes on.


And one more thing:

  On 7/16/2017 at 7:41 PM, BLASTERZ said:

kaiji and akagi also have s*** budgets, because the studios that make these shows know that the average nerd is just a loser who is brainwashed into buying captalist merchandise, purchasing imaginary gfs because they dont have any, and giving these studios money, thereby allowing em to make more of these low effort shows and the weeaboos will keep buying it and rinse and repeat.


Stop being so fucking condescending. You have no rights to look down on anybody for what kind of entertainment they enjoy. Some people just look to anime for popcorn entertainment and there is nothing wrong with that. Boo hoo things that you like arent as popular well guess what? As a guy who has considered himself a fan of Art House anime since he was 12 I really dont care if what I like is less popular. Yeah it sucks that high school animu girls are more popular than all of my lovely cult classics from the late 90s and early 2000s and I could easily write a huge long analysis about how deep and greatly done they are but no one would fucking care except for the same people who are a part of the same niche audience that I am. So maybe you too can be open-minded and come to accept that what you like isnt in the forefront instead of having a big superiority complex over people who jack off to waifus and generalize things.

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  On 7/16/2017 at 9:39 PM, Mae. said:

Okay bro youre entiled to your opinion but I do feel the need to make some counters since im so far a big fan of this show.



  On 7/16/2017 at 9:39 PM, Mae. said:

First of all in regards to the fanservice yes the show is sexually charged and obviously it can be considered an ecchi however its fanservice is a fundamental aspect of the show. In looking at the way the characters are sexualized in Kakegurui it comes off as far more like an establishment of dominance versus the cutesy moe kind of fanservice prominent in other shows. The girls are provocative in a way thats intimidating, the women that are given the fanservice treatment are powerful individuals who are proud and on a higher pedestal than those below them. Its closer to a psychotic seductress than it is of a cute girls in high school kind of thing.

Its still sexualization tho. You could show that tehyre a very powerful by having them wear like gold chainz or louis vutton bags yknow. Designer wear. Maybe have them tattoo yen won signs on their face. This is a gambling story not porn. 



  On 7/16/2017 at 9:39 PM, Mae. said:

In regards to realism that is highly irrelevant in this case. Realism is kind of a nitpicky argument as its quite obvious that thats not what the show is going for and it rather wants to be a gambling show that puts manipulation on the forefront and tries to paint its characters in a bad light.

ye but if u paint ur char in a bad light thats just lame. u want to paint them grey area and reality is black and white grey



  On 7/16/2017 at 9:39 PM, Mae. said:

Yes Kakegurui doesnt have "muh deep n intelectual themes lel" but that does not mean that it doesnt have its own merits and there is no need to criticize something that doesnt need big themes for not having them. The big selling point for people who enjoy Kakegurui, including myself, comes from how the main character is portayed to be just as bad as the people who she crushes. She is manipulative, psychotic, and entirely bad and gets a thrill off of crushing the girls whom she faces off with. Unlike other manipulative protagonists (i.e. Shiro from Log Horizon) who play dirty towards the evil in order to benefit the good she does it just because she gets a thrill out of crushing the opposition, in fact from what Ive heard out of people who read the manga she only gets more sadistic and brutal in the way she defeats her opponents as the story goes on.


No she aint portreayed as bad. She is portrayed as a good person. She does bad things but its often well deserved cuz they baddies so what she did is fine. they even justify it with her mysterious background/backstory. Also she is like a lot of manipulative protagonists, but she doesnt state her goal they just explain it in one random chapter that she did it because she has a sad backstory.



  On 7/16/2017 at 9:39 PM, Mae. said:

Stop being so funking condescending. You have no rights to look down on anybody for what kind of entertainment they enjoy. Some people just look to anime for popcorn entertainment and there is nothing wrong with that. Boo hoo things that you like arent as popular well guess what? As a guy who has considered himself a fan of Art House anime since he was 12 I really dont care if what I like is less popular. Yeah it sucks that high school animu girls are more popular than all of my lovely cult classics from the late 90s and early 2000s and I could easily write a huge long analysis about how deep and greatly done they are but no one would funking care except for the same people who are a part of the same niche audience that I am. So maybe you too can be open-minded and come to accept that what you like isnt in the forefront instead of having a big superiority complex over people who jack off to waifus and generalize things.

but theyre such ez targerts and losers lol like grow up who still wank off to cartoon girls you are a product of capitalist consumerism driven my powerful multi conglomerates/corporations. 

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I'm entertained enough by it and even like how they can be portrayed obnoxiously with those over the top facial expressions, but I'm not a fan of the direction.

[spoiler=Something I noticed in episodes 2 and 3]

There's no real way to guess the trick behind how the opponents are cheating, at least so far.
Episode 2 has super faint marks that vanish after a couple minutes when away from heat? How the funk was I supposed to guess that? I feel like it was an obvious guess she tampered with the deck somehow but no real way to pin down exactly what the trick was, just no hints to work off of.
But then in episode 3, those pins in their hands are completely hidden from our view. I checked at the end of episode 2, we don't see the greeting girl's hand until Yumeko exposes the trick in episode 3. And there's a shot of Nishinotouinn holding her cup with her right hand and the pins aren't there, they simply weren't drawn. 
I'm not saying they should have zoomed in on her hand blatantly pointing out that something's up with it, but I think including a few shots of her hand and/or the dealer's hand with the pins in plain sight but without drawing attention to them would've been great. For observant viewers like Yumeko, they'd have a chance to deduce the trick before Yumeko explains it. It lets the audience think and engage with the suspense.
I don't know, maybe I'm being nitpicky and expecting more than I should. I just don't think it's fair that the show doesn't offer you the opportunity to make that guess and then act all clever at spoon-feeding the answer to us. The current structure is we know Yumeko will most likely win, or even if not, she'll expose her opponent's strategy. But we can't really know or figure it out for ourselves until the show just decides to explain.

Snazzy OP at least.
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  On 8/1/2017 at 8:16 PM, Kaiji said:

goddamn lmao sword yahtzee what is this


yo the facial expressions are neat and the character look distinct enuf visually


but yah these GAMBLES comboluted, the 2 parter was solid if it wasnt for that meme rapist dude

mean rapist guy is so cheesy like HARHAR IM EVIL CHECK THESE SUBTEXT







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