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General RP Requests and Interest Checks

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Hello, fine peoples!


I kinda had a thought to help out this section. I'm not the biggest RPer, but sometimes I just wanna join one but can't find one that fits the tone I'm looking for.


I wanted to start this thread so people who want to join an RP can comment on what they would like to see and RP hosts can see what the demand is and, if they're up for it, supply it accordingly. This could also work as a general interest check where RPers and RP hosts could bounce super-rudimentary ideas on what they want without having to flesh it out enough to put in its own thread.


I really think a thread like this can only serve to help the section and bring in people who might otherwise be averse to or apprehensive about RPing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, I'm a really old member and I recently got back on because I want to hone my writing skills and this place was always so good to just practice writing. I Have two RP ideas for RPs I had in the past. They are for [spoiler=Kingdom Hearts] https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/186516-kingdom-hearts-tournament-of-the-many-worlds-started-accepting-via-pm/

and Percy Jackson and The Olympians (Heroes of Olympus now) but i doubt the latter will have any interest. I guess it could just be a general Greek Mythology Demigod RP though...

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Short answer. Yes [spoiler=Long Answer] He sat on the newly arrived couch glaring at his screen as it changed from night mode to a stark blue hue. His homepage had recently changed to YCM because he decided he needed a bit of time to practice his creative writing. The new keyboard was yet uncomfortable to use. His unfamiliar hands missed keys from time to teim. He ignored it when it was inconsequential. His brother was on the floor rummaging through a suit case. It was habitual for him to be constantly searching for something. This time it was a change of clothes for the oncoming adventure. 

The Multiplex beckoned to the two of them from atop the hill, daring them to view a movie. It was typical for them to catch various viewing throughout weekdays but never on his day off.


"Do you know who's pants these are." His eye contact broke from the screen to answer the intruder upon his focus.


"No" His answer was calm. He smirked at the ridiculous size of the trousers and continued to type furiously at his keyboard. When satisfied he was sure to post on the forum.


Yes He replied


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Then I'd better recommend you join either my Original, YGO or both RPs. They're one of the only ones there are accepting as of now. Not sure about the others.


Going back on topic, we sure as hell need to lure new people in. All we have right now are veterans and they seem to be busy doing something else. We need variety.

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Tink, you did it again. Great idea mate, all that's left is for it to -you know- do something.


Personally, Magitek is a concept I've always loved, and a little practice with it would be good, since I'm planning a novelette of a similar genre. Just curious. Would it include fantasy races?

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