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YCM Pokemon story when?

I currently have an incredibly bush schedule, so progress is slow, and I want to have a few chapters done before I start releasing anything, so I know I am invested in it and can properly get a feel for how it is progressing.

Did you watch FLCL (Fooly Cooly) and if yes, how did you like it?

I actually have not! I plan to watch it with friends once we finish Cowboy Bebop.
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What prompted you to discard the Giga alias?

The person who called me giga the most was no longer a person I was speaking to. It was mostly petty, and is something I have totally moved past, but honestly I just think parenthesis is way cooler than giga, and I tried hard enough to make the change that going back now would be silly. Good old fashion invested effort fallacy.
For funk's sake, man, play the game or don't, quit making it everyone else's problem.
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What do you think of roids?

Terrortop is potentially the second-strongest card released in the last several years. I refuse to acknowledge the existence of any other roid, for comedic effect.

What kinds of music do you most enjoy listening to?

Been getting more into the trap/launchpad scene this year. Marble Soda by Sean Wasabi is a stand-out for me, because it's so easy to listen to repeatedly. It's crazy dynamic and DUDE IT HAS A BIT THAT'S JUST SAMPLES OF A DOLPHIN.


I have also been listening to tons of Fox Stevenson. I discovered him with the song Comeback, and the upbeat 'kick' of its intro hooked me. It is really good music for jamming with a good mood.


Otherwise, I have spent a huge amount of time this year spending time with friends IRL, and we tend to listen to approximately way too much music from the late 90s-mid 2000s punk and alternative rock scene, since I've got a flash drive largely consisting of the stuff that I plug into whichever car we are using for the day.

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On a scale of 1-10 how Sasuke is Todoroki?

solid 7. His daddy issues hella bog down the show, but he actually mans the funk up and kicks some ass.


Basically, they aren't trying to make him any kind of anti-hero, and he actually has aspirations beyond brooding over family sheet, so he is far more tolerable than sasuke.

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Why did you choose the name (parenthesis) for yourself? It's such a unique name, even among all the crazy ones here. I'm kinda curious. Also you were Giga once right?


What are some of your favorite individual cards and decks?


Fun fact: At the time of this post you have 2011 reps, the same as the year that you joined, according to your profile. ^.^

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Why did you choose the name (parenthesis) for yourself? It's such a unique name, even among all the crazy ones here. I'm kinda curious. Also you were Giga once right?

I first used the alias Parenthesis for my Imgur account a few years back. When I made a discord account, I used the username "Parenthesis" because I thought it would be fun for people to not recognize me until they asked who I was.


After leaving YCM for a decent amount of time last year, I decided I wanted to abandon the alias "Giga" and went all in on my current one.


What are some of your favorite individual cards and decks?

I'll limit my answer to this one to just ygo, for simplicity's sake. My favorite card is probably Hydralander, though honestly I have no clue what its TCG name is now that it has been released stateside.


My current favorite deck is Magibullets, as they use a controlling playstyle without focusing on floodgates or boss monsters with negation effects. It's just a really refreshing take on the archetype, that reminds me of other games I enjoy more.


Fun fact: At the time of this post you have 2011 reps, the same as the year that you joined, according to your profile. ^.^

Unfortunately I am a little past 2011 at this point. Guess I missed the magic.

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