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Digimon World Online : The Zeta Project [OOC/Pg-16/Started/Not Accepting/Co-hosted by The Eternal Challenger]

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The three week OOC is over!  The accepted applications are as follows:


Mark & Simon - Chaos Sonic

Sora & Shelly - Yui

Terrance & Spritemon -  Kosuke Ueki

Reika & Embermon - ~Fatyl~

Carmen & Hino - Reptillious 


Aman and Wind, thank you for your interest!  Maybe next time.  Below are my thoughts on your apps.  


[spoiler=Shizen and Terrion]


Shizen is a really basic character, not saying that the other applicants aren't.  However, you went out of the way to make Shizen as Gary Stew as possible, to go so far as have girls literally fawning over him.  You try to give him negative characteristics in the fact that he's a gamer, and that he uses weaknesses to his advantage, but however there is no real negatives to those things.  





[spoiler=Zero and Azriel]


Zero...really?  Who names a human character Zero ever.  There's not much to go off in your app in the first place since he has no Biography after two weeks.  And what's in the personality is really lackluster.




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You left the chat Tayla, after having one idea rejected.  Not my problem.  


Anyway's, I'd like to state that the IC will be up later tonight.  As of now, I'd like to ask that all comments regarding acceptance be taken somewhere else please ^_^!  I'm sorry I couldn't accommodate everyone, much as I'd like to do so, but I like keeping my RP's small and tight knit.  Again, I thank you for all of your enthusiasm in my RP!   

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If there was an option to dislike messages I'd do it...

This is spam and/or flame, and I understand one can have a bad day, but that isn't an excuse to do either of those things over an online roleplay. Consider this a verbal warn to refrain from such behavior in the future.

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