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(MTG Standard/Casual) Red/Blue "Brain Flame"


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17 Creatures

2 Falkenrath Reaver

2 Frontline Rebel

1 Sin Prodder

1 Wind Drake

1 Stealer of Secrets

1 Trophy Mage

1 Ancient Crab

2 Terror of the Fairgrounds

1 Skyship Stalker

1 Heart-Piercer Manticore

1 Mercurial Geists

1 Curator of Mysteries

1 Glyph Keeper

1 Sphinx of Magosi


14 Sorceries/Instants

2 Shock

1 Renegade Tactics

1 Tormenting Voice

1 Wrangle

1 Fling

1 Contingency Plan

1 Geistblast

1 Hungry Flames

2 Drag Under

1 Flame Lash

1 Hieroglyphic Illumination

1 Leave in the Dust


4 Enchantments/Artefacts

2 Brain in a Jar

1 Implement of Examination

1 Tricks of the Trade


25 Lands

12 Mountains

12 Islands

1 Aether Hub


I'm upgrading my Red/Blue Welcome Deck and really really wanted to play Brain in a Jar (I would probably play more if I had them), so I built this.


I'm wanting to avoid Counterspells or going for a complete full-on burn deck as they're both simply unfun. However other suggestions are welcome! :)

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Look into U/R thermo-thing It was a standard deck that made some waves back before the format went to s*** and is pretty much what your trying to do here. The deck is dirt cheap too since its mostly commons and uncommons plus if you feel like it you can dump some money into it with chandras and gearhulks. It's a good deck to learn with too because its fairly complicated for a standard and uses the stack a lot.

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Huh. I saw a Thermo-Alchemist in a binder a couple of days ago and didn't think much of it. Although I guess it's not surprising you can build a deck around it. Thanks for the suggestion.


Anyway, I updated the deck a little!


-1 Falkenrath Reaver

-2 Frontline Rebel

-1 Mountain

-1 Island


+1 Curious Homunculus

+2 Sin Prodder

+2 Highland Lake

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