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"Change Username" Item


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Can we, like, remove the limit on the quantity you can hold?


If you're changing to a name for a short period of time, be it for an event, fad, or your own enjoyment, there is really no reason that you can't buy 2 at the same time.


Even then, the limit doesn't really do anything, other than make changing your name via points more tedious than it really needs to be, when you could simply buy what you need at a given time.

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I'm pretty sure it was so that people could better keep track of who's who. But we have the alias system for that now (you're welcome) so it's not really as big an issue anymore. That said, I don't know how I feel about the idea of removing the limit entirely. If it's just for a fad or something, even just upping the purchase/carry limit to three namechanges should be fine, right? I'm in favor of increasing the limit, but against removing it entirely. Of course, pretty sure it ultimately falls onto the supers on what would be done regarding this.

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I mean, I don't really care if it's unlimited or not, but what does the limit actually impose?


How many you buy at one time? You can just buy one, use it, buy another asap.


The purchase/quantity limit is entirely superficial. It doesn't stop name changing (not that name change abuse is a thing), just makes it less convenient when you want to change your name, because you can't just buy X amount up front.

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It is easy to change your name twice in a day, just by keeping one in the inventory ahead of time.


That said, this just means that the current system does not stop rapid name changes.


For example, with the current system, I could change my name every day for about two months.


If it can't stop that, why bother stopping anything?


EDIT: arguably the biggest issue is that changing your name with the shop item resets the name change timer, but I don't think that could be fixed

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I don't think name changing is a problem, as a rule of thumb, and doing so in a rapidfire fashion, outside of a joke would probably fall under feature abuse... So I don't see why not to up the limit, at least somewhat.


As I said, the quantity limit only serves to artifically imply there's a "limit", when there really isn't anything other than inconvenience of purchasing a single name change at a time as a deterrant. And there's no evidence that "name change abuse" is a thing, at least not in a modern context.


Psure you're agreeing with me, but covering my bases.


tl;dr for all three posts:

Name Change quantity/purchase limit should be upped.

The limit is entirely artificial, as Giga has demonstrated.

Por que no las mas



EDIT: arguably the biggest issue is that changing your name with the shop item resets the name change timer, but I don't think that could be fixed

I... don't have this issue. I changed my name back to "Black" on July 10th, and it still says my 45 day cycle started then. This may be a membergroup issue, which warrants looking into.

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