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The Christmas Lights

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Please, can we take them down? I know it's been this meme for a while now, but... Honestly, it's almost July. The last talk of taking them down, that I can see, was in a poll here...




Where taking down the lights won by one vote. The thread had comments, saying that maybe we'd leave them up until April 1st. Very funny. But now it's June.


It's not the biggest deal, but we keep talking about fixing the rules and tidying this site up, and yet something as simple as changing the lights to a normal logo has not been done yet.


Again, I understand it's not a big deal, and some people enjoy them there. Honestly though, it's time to hang up the lights until next Christmas.

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It's likely some guys probably late voted at some point in time to take them down, but meh. It's past mid-June already and will be summer in a couple days. 


Again though, it's something only evilfusion can do [or really any of the Supers]; you'd need to get on their case. If it were accessible to regular mods, one of us would've probably done it by now.


Just make sure evil has the URL to the lights saved somewhere for later, so they can be put up on time come mid-November / early December or something. Or just keep them on YCM 2 or something, then restore the other themes. 



Would be nice if we had seasonal logos, but that would require periodic editing of the themes to do so (and obviously we'd have to make them). 



Thankfully I changed my avatar already, because I did plan on switching it once the lights came down.

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