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What Did You Pull In YOUR Gold Series Pack? (If You Got One)

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Lucky pull Kirby. But just remember, the life cycle of a CCV. Gets made, gets pulled, gets sold, sellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsellsell, someone actually uses it, gets stolen, repeat after "Gets pulled".

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Gold Series is a new Special Hobby Shop only Yugioh Pack, where you get 25 cards in each pack. You usually get 22 (mostly Junk) commons, and 3 Gold rares (Some are junk. For example, Heavy Storm, Brain Control, and other rubbish cards were reprinted AGAIN as Gold Rares. Yeah...) However, some of the Gold Rares are to die for, such as CCV, Promethius, DMoC, CyDra, and plenty of other good ones. Hell, even Breaker made it in 0_o

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