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Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon


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Since I went through the trouble of keeping myself spoiler-free since US/UM's reveal, I decided on doing my first blind playthrough with no team planning in advance since D/P/Pt, with the condition that I'm not to use any Pokemon that I used during my initial Moon run, which were Primarina, Vikavolt, Lycanroc, Tsareena, Ninetails-A, and Kommo-o. I'm starting with Rowlet this time around.

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I'm up to Paniola Ranch right now, and I am LOVING all these little mini-quests being added. Be sure to check the 3F of the Tide Song Hotel for items, a mini-quest, and an early cameo from the man with the blue cowlick. Also, I'm doing pretty well with Mantine Surf, as I'm already king of Mele Mele and Akala, and am juicing my team up with stat boosters that are only 2 BP apiece. As for my team, I currently have:


Lv 22 Dartrix (Siegfried)

Lv 19 Cutiefly (Star (Butterfly))

Lv 20 Slowpoke (Xavier)

Lv 13 Mareep (Sylvanas)

Lv 18 filler Trumbeak


Also, it is great that you can easily acquire BP (albeit slowly, since I believe it's 1 BP per 3000 points you get). Also good that every 2 BP is essentially a Nugget by selling the stat boosting items.

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  On 11/19/2017 at 1:57 AM, Broke. N said:

Oh yeah. You can also get them in Hau'oli City too, but good luck with the city since they're a 5% chance in USUM.

Serrebii is telling me 10%, but I'd believe 5. I've only seen one so far and after doing a couple battles I remembered I should check its ability. It was bad. Back to the catching grind.

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  On 11/19/2017 at 2:22 AM, Flame Dragon said:

Serbia is telling me 10%, but I'd believe 5. I've only seen one so far and after doing a couple battles I remembered I should check its ability. It was bad. Back to the catching grind.

Was the ability gluttony?


Because that's the really good one now. The buff to pinch berries means that Muk-A is one of the tankiest pokemon in the game, because hitting it below 50 restores 50HP.


I assume you mean it had Poison Touch, but just wanted to make sure.

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  On 11/19/2017 at 2:27 AM, Black said:

Was the ability gluttony?


Because that's the really good one now. The buff to pinch berries means that Muk-A is one of the tankiest pokemon in the game, because hitting it below 50 restores 50HP.


I assume you mean it had Poison Touch, but just wanted to make sure.

In game gluttony doesn't seem good. Honestly neither ability is great, but I figure you'd get more milage out of Poison Touch. Could be wrong though.

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  On 11/19/2017 at 2:30 AM, Flame Dragon said:

In game gluttony doesn't seem good. Honestly neither ability is great, but I figure you'd get more milage out of Poison Touch. Could be wrong though.

After using it in a locke and the ease of the berry farm, gluttony is absolutely amazing.


Maybe it's less so if you're not lockeing, because health doesn't matter, but it's a really good tank with gluttony.

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  On 11/19/2017 at 2:32 AM, Black said:

After using it in a locke and the ease of the berry farm, gluttony is absolutely amazing.


Maybe it's less so if you're not lockeing, because health doesn't matter, but it's a really good tank with gluttony.


I'm not lockeing. Plus I was able to pick up a Black Sludge to still make it tanky.


  On 11/19/2017 at 2:32 AM, Broke. N said:

Weird. According to Serebii both % are correct.

My guess is it depends on what area you're in.

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  On 11/19/2017 at 4:26 AM, Mr Spaz said:

Well, I just finished Kiawe's trial, and let me say this...




The only spoiler I'll give for you people who haven't gotten to it yet. It's Totem Aura boosts Speed, and it gets a pseudo +2 Attack thanks to its Thick Club.

Seems like picking Popplio really paid off. I chose Litten in Sun, but Popplio in UM for something different. Two Bubblebeams and AloMarowak was down.


My current team is as follows:

Primarina (Chumdrum) LV 35

Lopunny (One-A-Penny) LV 35

Ampharos (1 2 Oatmeal) LV 34

Haunter (Forgot to Nickname it) LV 34

Noibat (Tope Suicida) LV 32


I'm probably going to get rid of Noibat at some point, since I want to pick up a better Dragon Pokemon. I just got onto Ula' Ula Island, any recommendations?




PS: Tope Suicida means Suicide Dive in Spanish.

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Even if he did have a Thick Club, all I had to do was just use Z-Water Pledge off Brionne and Marowak = dead. I think I did the same thing against Salazzle in S/M, albeit lower leveled and all. (tl;dr, use starter to clean trial out.)


Granted, had to take a small hit from Brick Break, but that was nothing. 



Now I just have to deal with that Lurantis. 

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  On 11/19/2017 at 2:33 PM, Broke. N said:

Just saying, but giving Totem A-Marowak a Thick Club isn't nearly as dickish as letting him summon underlevelled Salazzles to help him. I mean at least make them Salandits; they're funking level 20 for christ's sake.

Yeah that is the worst, especially since they have moves like Flame Burst and Venoshock. (and Salandits don't even learn Flame Burst till level 24 too)

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I got lucky that I just one-shotted the Marowak due to having Water starter, though once I do Ultra Moon with Litten, I can't expect things to go as smoothly and yeah, might have same issues. 


Then again, the Lurantis totem was annoying like it was from S/M; also that Comfey can go burn in hell (well, it and Kecleon for spamming Sunny Day and the former for Defense boosting and HP healing). Though, it was my problem for not bringing a Fire 'mon initially with STAB or could strike on the special end. 



At least the Ditto event afterwards yields you a lot of money and saves you time trying to get natures you want for breeding. Uh, how many of you finished Mallow's trial by now?

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So I OHKOed Totem Araquanid with Flying Z-Move.  Kinda worried about the Fire Trial at the moment since I don't have a decent Water Type right now.  Not sure which to get.


Team as it currently stands: 


Dartrix, Lv 27

Pikachu Lv25

Growlithe Lv25

Sylveon Lv25

A. Grimer Lv25

Rockruff Lv25


4 of them are weak to Ground, though probably will box Rockruff for a Water-Type since I wanna evolve it at the right time.  

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Yeah, though you have to wait until postgame to get an Everstone (unless you trade over / get lucky with Pickup or something), so...that much sucks.


At present, I suppose the consistent members of team right are


Dusk Lycanroc


Espeon (yeah, this comes from that Eevee egg; trying to breed ones with Timid nature, but see above note about Everstone)

Pikachu (with cap)


Will probably adjust it later, but yeah. (I do have a Kangaskhan now, but actually need to train it and sheet). Then again, I did have to trade over a level 31 Growlithe from my Sun cartridge, so I kinda cheated on the Grass trial (but I didn't have much choice).

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