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What would you recommend to a beginner, assuming you had cards to upgrade it with?

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Hopefully this is in the right section.


Tomorrow I'm going to see an old friend, and we are going to be doing a bunch of card games. I'm hoping to introduce them to YGO pro so they don't have to worry about illegal plays while learning yugioh. Thus I don't need to worry about having enough of a given deck's good cards. We'll be playing in pre-link format. However I would prefer something that's somewhat slower then tier 1 since my decks are certainly not tier 1, and I want to teach them, not OTK them.


edit: No alt wins or other decks that don't have proper player to player interaction, despite how simple they are to play. I want us both to enjoy the game


edit2: They regularly play Magic the Gathering if that helps.

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Add a lot of cards like mirror force and torrential tribute to teach him the value of answers, beyond that it should slow down the game.

On top of that you could let him play gadgets or something like that, considering they are fairly linear and can grind somewhat effectively in a slower game.

That way you could introduce him into board control and resource management, not to mention the fact slow grind games without proper resource management are

a pain to deal with, so it would turn him away, if anything, if he would run out of fuel too early.

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teach them battle pack 2 lmao then ease all the new cards and F/L in


learning this game overwhelming af and comes off as discouraging when playing real decks against each other where newer player likely to lose often then lose motivation


just use a video or replay to demonstrate the combos this game can achieve, don't introduce so much information at once. This game builds and builds upon a foundation so you'd want to establish what seems like the obvious so this nig can think for himself. You don't want him coming to you for questions for every single aspect of the game outside of rulings or what cards are available in the game.

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Maybe Tellarknights or, for a higher tier, ABCs? Both are quite straightforward, Tellarknights introduce them to Extra Deck Summons through Xyzs and they familiarize with Traps, including Counters; while with ABCs they familiarize with Quick effects and practice with making response decisions.

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