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The Yu-Gi-Oh Scrabble Game


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Essentially, what we'll do is try to get people to guess a certain YGO card, by giving a hint and its Scrabble point value, using its full TCG name (or the best English translation of its OCG name) and ignoring things like letter and word multipliers.


Hyphenated words (Odd-Eyes, Rank-Up-Magic) are treated as 1 word, and any numbers or punctuation are worth 0 points.


Here's a brief table of point values per letter:

1: A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T, U

2: D, G

3: B, C, M, P

4: F, H, V, W, Y

5: K

8: J, X

10:Q, Z


Here's a sample clue/solution-



One of the best topdecks ever, unless your opponent is playing Majespecters. 12 points, one word.







EDIT: Ninja'd.



You got it, Z00.


And so on.


First clue:


The king- or queen, I don't know- of handtraps in its time.


23 points, two words.

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Effect Veiler.


Next clue: If you're running plants, you're running this.


22 points, two words.


(I feel it may be a bit too slow if you have to confirm after every thing, just have someone challenge the point count if they think a mistake was made. Especially might backlog if someone calculated the points wrong at the first stage.)

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Well yeah, I prefer guessing to actually giving clues since I generally suck at the latter...


Also, no. Will give another clue I guess:


Pictured are 5 members of a self-destructive archetype. Not that it matters anymore since Links permanently will keep them 6 ft under.

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