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Dimensional Barrier

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Declare 1 monster card type (Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Pendulum); for the rest of this turn, neither player can Special Summon monsters of the declared type, also negate the effects of all monsters of that type while they are on the field. You can only activate 1 "Dimensional Barrier" per turn.


A fun card that we all love which should never have been printed and should go away forever. Discuss tbh imo.

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I'm not sure what the whole story behind Gagagigo is, but I'm pretty sure he was turned to darkness (nothin personnel kid) in Gogiga Gagagigo, and then found salvation in Jesus Christ as Gagagigo the Risen. I guess Marauding Captain was his boyfriend or something, because it looks like hes dying to see him.


...actually yeah, it says that Gagagigo met a special person who changed his heart from evil, so that must be marauding captain. Maybe he was coming to show Marauding Captain that he had changed but the dimensional barrier stopped him.


In short, please ban Dimensional Barrier. Reunite these lovers.

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I'm not sure what the whole story behind Gagagigo is, but I'm pretty sure he was turned to darkness (nothin personnel kid) in Gogiga Gagagigo, and then found salvation in Jesus Christ as Gagagigo the Risen. I guess Marauding Captain was his boyfriend or something, because it looks like hes dying to see him.


...actually yeah, it says that Gagagigo met a special person who changed his heart from evil, so that must be marauding captain. Maybe he was coming to show Marauding Captain that he had changed but the dimensional barrier stopped him.


In short, please ban Dimensional Barrier. Reunite these lovers.


they weren't lovers they were friends and there is a story about Gagagigo look it up

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Because any Deck that gets turn-ended by this had it coming, though soon we'll be in the VRAINS and it won't matter so much. 

Isn't that like.


A lot? Hell i actually wonder what decks don't immedately end that are relevant. I can only think of Mermail and idk if that's considered meta.

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The fact that this can chain to fusion spells is just ridiculous.


Because any Deck that gets turn-ended by this had it coming, though soon we'll be in the VRAINS and it won't matter so much. 

You understand that vrains won't make people stop using other summoning methods, right? There are only 2-3 link monsters off the top of my head that you actually want to be resolving your field on. Obviously more will be added, but this whole thing of people thinking that links make xyz, synchro, fusion, and pendulum unplayable is just a myth.


This will continue to be a powerful card for as long as it exists. It might not be as game-ending as people seem to think (though in some matchups it absolutely is) but that doesn't make it fair by any means.

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It was pretty much near the point where it had high potential to be hit until True Dracos were first introduced. For the time it was relevant, it was downright annoying being an effective card to counter whatever summon method was relevant. Playing this essentially forced you to go straight to MP1 if you weren't playing anything but Metalfoes, so it's essentially just a really dumb first-turn winmoar/ihavethehighground type of card. It might be an alright side now against OCG Zoos and True King Dinos, but not that effective to maindeck cause True Dracos don't care, so essentially they dodged the banlist because True Dracos saved it's bacon the moment they were revealed. But if Links ever actually become the next best thing after a huge hypothetical power creep, this card may still be good. Links may not be affected, but depending if Link support will support other summon methods or boost other decks' power, then D-Barrier still has potential to screw over them of Links are only meant to support and ladder.

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Isn't that like.


A lot? Hell i actually wonder what decks don't immedately end that are relevant. I can only think of Mermail and idk if that's considered meta.

Literally True Draco

What years are you trying to remember from that Mermail comes up

(If you wanna do old ones, tho, Kozmo/Monarch also options)

If you want to talk specifically about meta relevancy, DBarrier is the kind of card that is only meta relevant when Kanmoi designs the format to make it meta relevant.


It's loosely comparable to E-Tele in this sense in that it's only as good as the level 3 and lower Psychics Kaonmi makes, and will only be hit when they choose to make it good enough to hit.

Which they have not chosen to do as of recent times.


You understand that vrains won't make people stop using other summoning methods, right? There are only 2-3 link monsters off the top of my head that you actually want to be resolving your field on. Obviously more will be added, but this whole thing of people thinking that links make xyz, synchro, fusion, and pendulum unplayable is just a myth.


This will continue to be a powerful card for as long as it exists. It might not be as game-ending as people seem to think (though in some matchups it absolutely is) but that doesn't make it fair by any means.

To be fair, in many of those decks you normally only summon 1 or 2 non-Link monsters in a turn (sometimes even requiring a turn or 2 purely for setup) anyways

So losing the ability to summon for a turn doesn't hurt THAT much :'))

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You can side it for the zoo mirror, but yes True Draco affects whether its playable. It's a pretty good example of using matchups to evaluate a card's worth rather than a "vaccuum." Since matchups determine how cards will actually interact (and its where people observe the whole "good on paper, bad in practice" thing).


imo there's no reason to think that this card will be forever awful due to LINKS, super unlikely but I wouldn't be surprised if the stars align and it became relevant again.

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This is a good card and will be for a good amount of time, but if it's not the optimal card it won't find much play in optimal decks and there's a very good chance that a card or number of cards will better occupy this card's niche in the VRAINS era. This card's effectiveness isn't immortal, I think it's safe to say it won't get better in the VRAINS era, that this is probably past its peak, and post-VRAINS (the long, long game) we'll only see further Summoning mechanics that this doesn't apply to. 


As such, I don't any reason for this to be hit. If it was Unlimited up until Links (and I think rightfully so), there's no reason for it to be touched post-Links. 

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