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Man sues his date for texting during movie.

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I'll need to check on what the minimum monetary amount is to be able to file a lawsuit; think it was $20 or something (unless that varies from state to state; don't think it does). But seriously, you're suing over something that is molecular compared to other things that would warrant going to court.


Oh hell, the attorney / legal fees are going to cost this guy several times more than the movie admission (and/or refreshments; whatever this amount is supposed to be covering). Not worth it just to get $17 back. 



Also, you met the girl online and it's your first date. Did he not realize the fact that she could've very well lied about her personality? 


While on the subject of the girl texting; it is annoying and would be better if she stepped outside to text. There is also the fact that he claims that other people were disturbed by the behavior. (Yeah, we get that he doesn't like people texting, but pretty sure there's more people in there who were texting a lot more than his supposed date.)



There's also the thing about this man being from Texas, but I'll let someone else mention the remarks concerning this. 

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I feel like he doesn't go on many dates.


I'm not saying this because he sounds like a pretentious asshat (though, honestly, he kinda does).


I'm saying it because he doesn't seem to know how dates work. You don't get to take the money back because the date didn't go well. If you chose to pay, you chose to pay.


The transgression honestly was hardly against him anyway. Despite all his rhetoric about being civilised, his ultimate goal is to get less than $20 back, as if him getting that money is recompense for her apparent incredible crimes against society.


Yeah, what she did wasn't okay, but he is a childish idiot, and a sanctimonious douche.

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is it not possible that she could have simply given him his money back? out of court? or better yet, he could just write it off as a loss and move on?putting somebody through this much over such a petty sum just because you felt offense at their actions is incredibly irrational.


that said, i hope he wins, because i want him to feel the full weight of this hollow victory.

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They settled it out of court apparently.


She gave him his refund and hopefully learned some basic respect. 

Damn right.


Hate this opinion all you want, but if I pay for a girl I'm going out with to see a movie and she starts texting, Imma be funking pissed. You don't do that sheet. I won't sue like this guy did, but you can forget about a second date with me. I'll move on to chicks with respect.

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Damn right.


Hate this opinion all you want, but if I pay for a girl I'm going out with to see a movie and she starts texting, Imma be funking pissed. You don't do that sheet. I won't sue like this guy did, but you can forget about a second date with me. I'll move on to chicks with respect.

She said she was texting a friend who needed her...


bruh there are things far more important than a date

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This story was funnier when the headline was only "person sues date for texting during movie" before it was revealed that the guy who filed the lawsuit was a genuine, complete, all-around piece of human garbage.


Also the joke is really on him because he had to pay a lawyer a lot of money for $17 and "principles"

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Damn right.


Hate this opinion all you want, but if I pay for a girl I'm going out with to see a movie and she starts texting, Imma be funking pissed. You don't do that sheet. I won't sue like this guy did, but you can forget about a second date with me. I'll move on to chicks with respect.

You don't have a lot of dates, do you? Being on a phone isn't disrespectful, it is done without second thought. Also, don't have a first date at a movie. Being on a phone is all you can do to have any interaction that doesn't need comfort to be built.
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Y'all be complaining about how he is trivial and sheet but in third world countries 17 dollars fed me for like 2 weeks, seriously.

Let me see how you feel about 17 dollars when youre starving in the streets and a bunch of white people just walk by waving money around 

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Y'all be complaining about how he is trivial and sheet but in third world countries 17 dollars fed me for like 2 weeks, seriously.

Let me see how you feel about 17 dollars when youre starving in the streets and a bunch of white people just walk by waving money around


Contrary to popular belief, Texas is not a Third World country.
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Damn right.


Hate this opinion all you want, but if I pay for a girl I'm going out with to see a movie and she starts texting, Imma be f***ing pissed. You don't do that s***. I won't sue like this guy did, but you can forget about a second date with me. I'll move on to chicks with respect.

Do you have a girlfriend?



Contrary to popular belief, Texas is not a Third World country.

17 dollars can buy you 3 starbucks frap, I'd say thats a lot

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You don't have a lot of dates, do you? Being on a phone isn't disrespectful, it is done without second thought. 


It's the lack of second thought that's the issue. The whole point is to make your date feel appreciated, respected, prioritized and loved (ideally both parties are doing this), and it's not happening if they're playing second fiddle to your phone. 


I haven't had the displeasure of dating someone with the gall to text someone in medius date, but if I did you'd best believe I'd jabronislap them so hard that they'll be the one paying fees. 

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Though I think most people would agree that using your phone during a movie is not okay, threatening lawsuit for a refund on the date is childish, and shows no real understanding of the world.


Her giving him the money (reminder that this is less than $20, and that any person with sense would have accepted the loss and just not called her) isn't her conceding to his point. It's hardly anything. It is her telling him to piss off. She isn't rethinking her life after being owned by the justice police, she is laughing her ass off over this manchild who went to small claims court over a bad date.

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