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[MTG Standard] Dimir Cycling


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I don't see standard represented a lot here, so let me have a go at it.


-Creatures- (16)

X4 Curator of Mysteries

X4 Kefnet the Mindful

X3 Shadowstorm Vizier

X2 Vizier of the Tumbling Sands

X2 Ruthless Sniper

X1 Archfiend of Ifnir 


-Instants/Sorceries- (19)

X4 Censor 

X4 Shadow of the Grave

X4 Fatal Push

X2 Negate 

X2 disallow

X2 Hieroglyphic Illumination 

X1 Scarab Feast


-Enchantments- (3)

X3 Drake Haven


-Lands- (22)

X6 Island

X4 Swamp

X4 Fetid Pools

X4 Choked Estuary

X4 Sunken Hollow




-Sideboard- (15)

X4 Dispossess 

X3 Dispell

X2 Ceremonious Rejection

X2 disallow

X2 Baral, Chief of Compliance

X1 Drake Haven

X1 Harsh Scrutiny 

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It seems this deck wants to be playing a control game, stabilizing with archfiend of ifnir and pulling the win with Drake haven.


This makes shadowstorm vizier a little extraneous, at least in my eyes.


Have you considered adding red? Both Sweltering Suns and Cut//Ribbons are insanely good.


Shadow of the grave isn't going to make it here. It really isn't worth it unless you have New perspectives online. Considering the cost in cycling each card, getting them back only to have to pay said cost again isn't worth the trouble.

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yea I feel like you need red to play control in standard right now. Magma spray, Harnessed lightning and sweltering sun are all great cards in this meta. Also, you want gearhulks. You don't need a playset of them but at least 1 mainboard will make this deck so much better. Oh and pull from tomorrow. Its a sphinx rev lite and gives you endless amounts of late game gas.

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