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before i go how do you make a sighnature

-.- inuyasha good, oh shure just because i dont do yu gi oh or soem of that junk srry im kinda stressed T.T
well im going to sleep oh and i got that sighnature down (kinda)
i made some more that are bleach








ok so i got a new signature any one like?
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ok, im not nearly going to be as nice as the other person was. These have terrible technical wording on. they are mostly very over powered ans just far too strong, as original as the the subject matter is, the cards are not that good. Half of them have effects, but are in with a normal monster card, and it sounds like your trying to copy the effect off the tv show i.e. this monster can paralyse you for 3 of your turns. Also u need to credit the artist as in give a link and their name.

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they are still terrible ... and 3 hrs is not a whole day... and listen to the mod, DON'T double post, you have edited the cards, put them in your FIRST post, if you want to get attention, bump it !!! ridiculously overpowered still, terrible technical language, and sorry if it sounds like i am being "REAL nice" as you put it, it's just the truth.


by your standards 1/4

by mine 0/10

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sorry mod guy i dont know how that happend o.0.

It happened because you posted new posts instead of editing current posts. It is against the rules to do that. Since you did it again after being warned by a mod' date=' this thread is



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