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Anime OPs/EDs

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Hello, fine peoples!


A good song can really make an impression (at least for me). I was wondering what Anime openings/endings you loved, found unique, disliked, etc.


I finished watching the series "Beelzebub" last weekend and though I really enjoyed the show, the OPs really made it for me. Out of the five openings, I really enjoyed the first four and they all conveyed an aspect of the show very effectively. I also liked the ED song PaPePiPu PaPiPePu PaPePiPuPo. It was really silly and cute.


What OPs/EDs are memorable to you?

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Well, there are a few Openings which really affect my emotions, like:

  • No Game No Life's OP, This Game which is beautiful, magical, and has a lot of dynamic and tempo variety, I also like the idea of a fantasy world with chess pieces and puzzles to crack
  • another one with memorable music is Kill La Kill OP Ambiguous, with has cool touch to its name, this opening song is energetic, symbolizes a warrior's struggle, and the reff part is great too, really matches the anime..
  • And one macabre yet enchanting one is Kyuusou Mesorogiwi, from Mirai Nikki, which is a impending, mysterious, and cool at the same time, it starts out with an appalling and magical tune, then a jazzy style, a slightly menacing theme, and a melancholic melody in different key, then a spiritful and dark main theme which really impacts me, since it reflects my grief and madness, with a nice ending theme. The song is filled with mystery.....
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I find this one memorable because Absolute Duo was trash but the OP is quite the opposite, plus it led me to listen to more of Suzuki Konomi's music since I recognized her from the NGNL OP.


Also, for about a three week period after I finished Anohana, I'd start to cry anytime the ED came up in my shuffle playlist.


EDIT: Oh wait, but this is the greatest ED of all time, no question.

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This is the one aspect in this medium that I am unreasonably fixated on. Good OPs and EDs are amazing and I can rewatch them all day long. I can't say for sure what's my favorite but I can at least list a few:


Stylish as funk.


Cause I feel like it and it's a meme OP and it's one hell of a good one.


Not actually anime but I like it a lot and I've been in a Persona 3 mood lately.

  On 5/9/2017 at 12:15 PM, Shradow said:

Also, for about a three week period after I finished Anohana, I'd start to cry anytime the ED came up in my shuffle playlist.

Anohana's ED was funking great. I risk sounding obnoxious but did you know, even ignoring Anohana's version(it was a cover) the song itself has a fair amount of history and is apparently a popular graduation song of sorts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really enjoy all of the Jojo openings. Not only are the songs good jams, but the opening sequences are full of easter eggs and foreshadowing for the arcs they're presenting with lots of style. 


The most recent OP I really enjoyed from this season was from Re:Creators. Always a sucker for Hiroyuki Sawano tracks.

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Shradow that Absolute Duo OP though. I'll never watch that show, but that song is too good not to download. In terms of visuals and sound the death parade OP was just too good



it's still one of my favorites of all time


Kuzu no Honkai's OP&ED are pretty top notch too





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  On 6/6/2017 at 12:10 PM, a bad post said:

Shradow that Absolute Duo OP though. I'll never watch that show, but that song is too good not to download.

Right? Absolute Duo was an absolute disappointment, but the song is top.


Flyers is really great, too, I love me some BRADIO. If you haven't already, you should definitely check out it's music video, it's one of the greatest music videos I've ever seen. So funking funny.

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Whoa, you guys missed most of the good ones. I won't have to think at all!

It's a shame about...you know what? Let's not talk about my GatchaCrowds feelings.



Unless I'm forgetting something obvious, this was by far my favorite OP of 2015:

Chivalry of a Failed Knight managed to win both Best OP and Most Hated Series in the 2015 A-cake-demy Awards. Not worst series, mind you, just "Most Hated", a far more coveted award. Wait, why do shows I have confused feelings about all have such good OPs????


Gah. I was going to have the Madoka Magica ED here as a palate-cleanser, but Aniplex is ruthless about copyright. That's okay though, because it made me remember this classic from 2010 (2010 is classic now ok).


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