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Deck Help - Oppression Gadgets

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3 of each gadget happened to fall into my lap today and on a whim i decided to make an oppression gadget deck. However im not sure on what most cards people put in this deck.


Besides the initial 3 of each gadget, snipe hunter, the 3 oppressions and a couple vanitys fiend what else should i add? Ive seen some that use the chimeratech OTK and some without fusions at all. Which path do you guys find better?

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You're already doing it wrong. 3 of each Gadget = Fifth Gadget < Seventh Gadget = 2 of each Gadget. Also, Vanity's monsters are not needed.


Chimeratech Gadget decks are bad. Also, with Oppression on the field, Overload Fusion is an excellent Oozaki substitute.


Common monsters used with Oppression Gadgets include Blue Thunder T-45, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, Banisher of the Radiance, and Drillroid. The spell/trap lineup should focus largely on 1-for-1 removal, such as Smashing Ground. Max Solemn Judgment.

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