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[Finished]Generic Card Contest (First Constes Pls Dont Harrash Me)


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Create an generic suport card; it that can be semi-generic (suport to an type or an attribute) but in that case they must have some of the lore of the selected type/archetype. It cannot be an Boss card or be Level/Rank 5 or greather.

The biggest problem is the balance, cause, if it is generic, it can be used by ANY deck, have that in mind.




Entry Requeriments and fee: Its free to enter, but i prefer users that are new in this section; or are too experienced and can help me. Anyways, feel free to enter




1st. Place: 5 Likes


2st. Place: 3 Likes
3st. Place: 2 Likes
All Judges will earn 3 Likes for their help.
Prizes will be given manually, in an lapse of 1 or 2 days, maximum 3
Judging Criteria:
Balance: 35/ Does the card is broken as hell, overpowered or it is so damn weak?
Creativity: 30/ The card use interesting or new mechanics; or its one idea that has been used and abused?
Flavor: 30/ Does the card effect match with the card name, lore, graphical description, and/or image?
Grammar: 5/ Well, im bad on this one, so, if you dont screw it up, its will be fine
Its will be  the 12(day)/05()/17(year) at the 11:59 A.M. G.M.T.,but can be aplazed one maximum of two day (14/05/17) if the all players dont have uploaded their cards.
All submissions must work under existing Yugioh game mechanics. No custom types, sub-types, attributes, card-types, etc. Link monsters are allowed. All YCM section and forum rules apply.
If you are interested in judging, please post here with your criteria, but dont be an jackass and dont turn down people.
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If you are interested in judging, please post here with your criteria, but dont be an jackass and dont turn down people.

For some weird reasons I feel like this is directed towards me. If it is indeed directed to me, I'm sorry for being a jackass.


Regardless, sign me up as a judge. I need some of that sweet points from judging.


[spoiler=My Judging Criteria]Balance & Usability: 60 points. (How balanced and usable is the card?)

Flavour & Creativity: 30 points. (Does the card fit the theme? Are the effects creative and not just a copy-paste?)

Grammar: 10 points. (Can I understand your card? Does the grammar fit Konami's standard?)

Total: 100 points.


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Sign me up!


Ok, you are in!

remember, in generic cards little details usually are their determinators in being broken or underpowered

For some weird reasons I feel like this is directed towards me. If it is indeed directed to me, I'm sorry for being a jackass.


Regardless, sign me up as a judge. I need some of that sweet points from judging.


[spoiler=My Judging Criteria]Balance & Usability: 60 points. (How balanced and usable is the card?)

Flavour & Creativity: 30 points. (Does the card fit the theme? Are the effects creative and not just a copy-paste?)

Grammar: 10 points. (Can I understand your card? Does the grammar fit Konami's standard?)

Total: 100 points.


Ok, you now are singed as judge; its not directed to you, its cause i see tournaments usually and i have seen a lot of judges that become jackass and its not very funny, specialy in one tournament directed to new players

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I like your penmanship, so I'll give it a go. Or I can judge if I'm too old

My Penmanship, if means that i think, is Comic Sans MS Font

it doesnt make any problem; you can do both things, but if you do, you cannot are able to judge you for logical reasons.

also, you are singed!

the "i prefer new persons on this section" is made in order to make new persons start in this section


also, have in mind that i have higher espectations on old players; they must be an example for the others

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