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Adding more emojis?

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If the rest of the mods had access to the emojis, we could probably add them back in addition to getting the Golihoot one you guys want. But that's a function reserved for the Super Mods, and I don't know how many YCM can take at a time. 


That being said, how many of you want the standard emoji back (at least as an option, besides cr47t)?

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We had normal emoji, but Aix removed them a couple years back and replaced them with the anime-tier ones we have now. 

tbh the normal emoji we did have were REAAAALLLLYYYYY bad.

Why do so many places have terrible regular smiley faces how hard is it to have decent looking ones. (this last one wasn't directed at you just in general)


Anyway I support more emoji maybe we could do something like some kind of vote for what emojis to have and limiting how many get added at first. Like people give some emojis they want and if they get a couple others agreeing put it on a list for the vote

Make it a sorta event. It'd be fun. Maybe. Just spitballing ideas. I honestly am not sure what I'm saying at this point.

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If we can get evilfusion to add them, then sure.


You guys want the ones currently on Discord?

I support this. Having the discord animal emotes around would be cool as hell.


And if you are open to suggestions of emotes, I very much would like to have some from this MMORPG I used to play, Ragnarok Online. DDBYjoz.gif

Found a page with most of the expressive emotes, in animation:


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I'm strongly against the return of the old emojis. They were uglier than the aftermath of the PR mod election, interfered with posts if you input the "right" series of characters (^_~ was the biggest offender in my case; funk that winking emoji I hope its creator burns), and better versions could be found with such minimal effort. However, I do agree we could do to have some more emojis round here. Goli/Golihoot in particular feel like necessary additions to our selection.

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They were uglier than the aftermath of the PR mod election, interfered with posts if you input the "right" series of characters (^_~ was the biggest offender in my case; f*** that winking emoji I hope its creator burns), and better versions could be found with such minimal effort

Oh. Didn't know that. My bad


EDIT: maybe bring back the original images and assign them an ID like the other emotes we have?????????????????? idk

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As I mentioned beforehand (if it wasn't clear already), us adding the emoji will require getting on evilfusion to do it for us. If it were that easy, we would've added them by now.


I would be fine adding the Discord emotes and better versions of the standard; at least ones that don't screw up posts when you want to write stuff.

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I'm just dropping in here to note that this thread/request was brought up to me, but I haven't really had the time to look into it yet.


For the record, all the Supers have the exact same permissions, but I'm usually the one who tries to look into these sort of things.


EDIT: Okay, from the looks of it, adding emojis is actually incredibly easy to do.


However, I would require the emoji image/file and the code info about it to add individual emojis. And if you're looking for a larger group of them to be added, ideally, I would need to locate a downloadable folder of that group. If someone could provide me with that, or point me in that direction, I can get going on making progress in adding them. Otherwise, I might end up floundering a bit.

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I'm just dropping in here to note that this thread/request was brought up to me, but I haven't really had the time to look into it yet.


For the record, all the Supers have the exact same permissions, but I'm usually the one who tries to look into these sort of things.


EDIT: Okay, from the looks of it, adding emojis is actually incredibly easy to do.


However, I would require the emoji image/file and the code info about it to add individual emojis. And if you're looking for a larger group of them to be added, ideally, I would need to locate a downloadable folder of that group. If someone could provide me with that, or point me in that direction, I can get going on making progress in adding them. Otherwise, I might end up floundering a bit.


Can you grab them from the webpage I linked to? Or do you want them to be "wrapped up", like in a compressed file or something?

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