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Snatch Steal

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First Post: "Bihh fix that joint"

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what the funk does the word gradually mean


A certain living being who is assumed to be a Homo sapiens impolitely asked another living being who is also assumed to be a Homo sapiens and thoroughly disliked by others, and is definitely not a female of canines, because it is still impossible for Homo sapiens to converse to a female of canines with the technology that Homo sapiens currently have, to repair their joint, which can have multiple meanings, such as

1. the place at which two things, or separate parts of one thing, are joined or united, either rigidly or in such a way as to permit motion

2. a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion

3. marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking

4. a disreputable place of entertainment

and according to the behaviors of a certain living being who is assumed to be a Homo sapiens that acted impolitely to another living being who is also assumed to be Homo sapiens and thoroughly disliked by others, that also has spoken in a discourteus tone, combining with the fact that they used the word "bihh", which derived from the word "jabroni", meaning either "a living being who is also assumed to be a Homo sapiens and thoroughly disliked by others" or "a female of canines", which is also considered to be an offensive word by many Homo sapiens, mostly from Homo sapiens who supports equal rights for female Homo sapiens, it is best to assume that "marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking" is the joint they are talking about in this conversation, because it is considered by many Homo sapiens that do not accept the act of using marijuana, to be the most inappropriate meaning out of the four meanings listed above, and it is also the most expected meaning from a certain living being who is assumed to be a Homo sapiens, that has shown their lack of culture, learning, and refinement, however, if "marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking" is not the joint that they are talking about, then it is allowed for any other Homo sapiens or other species that have exceptional natural capacities of intellect, even moreso than mine, to take on this challenge.


i dont even know what bihh fix that joint means

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im not sorry


I, a certain living being who is assumed to be a Homo sapiens, have a profoundly tender and passionate affection for you, another living being who is also assumed to be a Homo sapiens that can be either a male or female, that will last for an unspecified period of time, in which Homo sapiens consider as "long" from their perspective on time.

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The neurotransmitter hormones, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are released within the confines of my cerebral organ, more specifically in the pleasure center of said organ, whenever the conceptual idea of yourself enters my subconscious and conscious line of thinking. Make no mistake, whereas in some cases this releasing of chemicals withing the cerebral organ last within a relatively short amount of our perception of time, in the case between you and me this processes has been going on for quiet some time now, and there is no indication that this process will slow down in the distant future.

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