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My new Deck Plz Rate.

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Dark Magician

Dark Magician Girl

Mirage Dragon

Dark Magician Knight

Light and Darkness Dragon

Silent Swordsman LV3

Silent Swordsman LV5

Card Ejector

Exodia the Forbidden One

Right Arm of the Forbidden One

Right Leg of the Forbidden One

Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Left Leg of the Forbidden One

Decoy Dragon

Dark blaze Dragon

Rainbow Dragon x2

Meteor Dragon

Red eyes B. Dragon




Monster Reborn

Knight’s Title

Smashing Ground

Reload x2

Swords Of Realvealing Light

Lightning Vortex

Shallow Grave x2

Magical hats

Premature Burial

Mausoleum of The Emperor


Soul Exchange

Card Destruction

Triggered Summon

Fairy Box


Mirror Force

Polymerization x2

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umm first of all I suggest you pick 1 theme for your deck


because your deck now is a exodia,dragon,knight,magician deck


you should focus on one type,I suggest ur theme be a dark magician deck.


reason 1,they have way too many good cards for d magician

reason 2 ,spellcasters rock


i suggest these cards if u decide dark magician


NTR-EN001 Silent Magician LV4

NTR-EN002 Silent Magician LV8

NTR-EN003 Magician's Circle


PCY-002 Anti-Spell Fragrance

PCY-003 Thousand Knives

PCY-004 Dark Magician


ROD-001 Dark Magician Knight

ROD-002 Knight's Title

ROD-003 Sage's Stone


plus others

ur deck 3 outta 10

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There ARE some pretty good cards, but it just looks like a random pile of decent/good trade stock. If You want a good deck, I suggest giving it a theme. Since You have a lot of Spellcasters in there, I suggest a Spellcaster/Magician deck. get rid of Exodia, and all of the dragons(including Rainbow Dragon, it's completely useless outside a Crystal beast deck), replace them for staples and spellcaster support. The deck gets a 2/10, becasue it looks like a decent binder's worth of cards.

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