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E-Hero Deck =P


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E.Hero Captain Gold

E.Hero Wildheart x2


E.Hero Burstinatrix x2

E.Hero Clayman x2

E.Hero Sparkman x2

E.Hero BladeEdge x2

E.Hero Neos

E.Hero Necroshade

E.Hero Avian x2

E.Hero Stratos

E.Hero Ocean

The Earth - Hex-sealed fusion x2



Heavy Storm

Skyscraper x3

Future Fusion x3

E-Emergency Call x2

Polymerization x3

Pot of Greed

Premature Burial

Fusion Recovery

Skyscraper 2 - Hero City


Malevolent Nuzzler



Dust Tornado x3

Hero CounterAttack

Hero Signal


Call of the Haunted

Hero Barrier

Needle Cieling



E.Hero Wildedge x2

E.Hero Flame Wingman

E.Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

E.Hero Thunder Giant x2

E.Hero Shining Flare Wingman

E.Hero Dark Bright

E.Hero Rampart Blaster

E.Hero Plasma Vice

E.Hero Necroid Shaman

E.Hero Phoenix Enforcer



what do u think?

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For the purpose of E-Heroes' date=' I wouldn't use Neos. The two tributes that it require could be used better with Bladedge. I'd throw in some more Hex-Sealed aswell. Perhaps drop Avian too; the substitutes work better for that.



which hex-sealed? the light and dark? i could substitute the dark for necroshade and then polymerize both the dark and sparkman to bring out dark bright. (or u cant do that? cuz the first sentence says: "you can substitute this card for any fusion-material monster) ill make this deck "legal" i read the rules.

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changes has been made:


E-Hero Captian Gold

E-hero Necroshade

E-Hero Stratos

E-Hero Ocean

E-Hero Prisma

E-Hero BladeEdge

E-Hero Wildheart x2

E-Hero Sparkman x2

E-Hero Bubbleman x2

E-Hero Clayman x2

E-Hero Burstinatrix x2

E-Hero Avian x2

the earth - hex-sealed fusion

the light - hex -sealed fusion




Pot of Avarice

Polymerization x3

Fake Hero

H - Heated Heart

E - Emergency Call

R - Righteous Justice

O - Oversoul


Skyscraper x2

Premature Burial

Future Fusion

Fusion Recovery

Skyscraper 2 - Hero City



Dust Tornado x3

No Entry!!

Hero Signal x2

Negate Attack

Call of the Haunted

A Hero Emerges

Hero Medal

Hero's Rule 2

Hidden Book of Spell

Trap Hole

Mirror Gate

Elemental Recharge



E-Hero Electrum

E-Hero Necroid Shaman

E-Hero Plasma Vice

E-Hero Wildedge x2

E-Hero Mariner

E-Hero Wild Wingman

E-Hero Rampart Blaster

E-Hero Thunder Giant x2

E-Hero Mudballman

E-Hero Shining Flare Wingman

E-Hero Phoenix Enforcer

E-Hero Flame Wingman

E-Hero Darkbright

E-Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer


i need Steam Healer...

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Run Cyber Dragon if you have Light Hex. Also lose Dark Hex if you do this. Also lose the bad E-Heroes, max out Prisma, add Malicious Edge and any Evil Hero Fusions that are significant (Lightning Golem, Infernal Sniper, Wild Cyclone). This deck phails because it uses Bubbleman, Necroshade, Wroughtweiler. Also you have too many traps. Use 3 Solemns or Bribes, Torrential, Mirror Force or something similar. Theyre the only traps you need.

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