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finished macro monarch (you kno you wanna look)

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caius 3

thesty 2

raiza 1

mobius 1

dd assailent

dd survivor 3

dd scout plane 3

infernal prodigy

grand mole

snipe hunter




lightning vortex 3

d fissure 3

enemy controller 2

heavy storm



brain control



macro 3

dark bribe 3


saku 2

mirror force


im thinking of siding dmoc and mobius and 3 ddr but i dont kno what else to side so halp plox =/


rep for helpz


if its good help that is

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DAD in Macro Cosmos? There is a Cosmos Return deck. I posted an example of it recently, if you want to look that up, but DAD? That's contradictory. DAD needs monsters in the Grave, Cosmos keeps them out of the Grave.


Also, I'm sick of Macro monarch decks, so I'll try to contain my temper. :)


-1 Mobius

+1 Thesty.


Mobius is a little better now because of the commonness of a set RftDD, but it still isn't a great Monarch. Thesty is too good not to run in 3.


-1 Grand Mole

+Spirit reaper/2nd Prodigy or Cydra. (which ever you prefer.)

Why's he in here? He isn't too useful to this deck.


If you have Cyber Dragon, switch it in instead of Prodigy. Prodigy's summoning condition is barely any easier, and the extra ATK is good if you don't have a monarch on hand.


If you put in a second Prodigy, then switch out Marshmallon for Spirit Reaper, he's better.


-1 Swords of revealing Light

-1 Lightning Vortex

-1 Brain Control

-2 Sakuretsu Armor


+2 Different Dimension Revival

+2 Allure of Darkness

+1 Crush Card Virus/Trap Dustshoot


I'm assuming this is a real life deck, and you probably don't have Crush. (If you do, sell it.) So go with Dustshoot. The best way to build a Monarch deck in this format is with heavy hand disruption. That way, if you can somehow get your Thesties, etc. out before DAD, you actually have a chance.


Also, Return from the Different Dimension might be a better choice than DDR. I know your deck isn't designed to be an OTK, but late in the game when you have useful targets in the RFG pile, it's easy to pull off.

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This my deck

Traps: Metalmorph

Icarus attack

Riryoku field

Graverobber's retribution

call of the haunted

Sakuretsu armor


Monster reborn

Malevolent nuzzler



Mystical space typhoon

future fusion

Pot of avarice

crystal beacon

Dian keto the cure master


Eternal rest

Rush recklessly

heavy storm



Felgrand Dragon

Gaia the fierce knight

ancient gear beast

Hannibal necromancer (limited edition)

Cannon soldier


7 colored fish

Armor breaker

Bountiful artemis


majestic mech - senku

lost guardian

Wall of illusion

elemetal hero avian

gmini inps

flame manipultor



witch of the black forest

so what do u think of my brillant line up





super noodles


hot dogsssssssssssssssssss

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