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Dark Crusader!!

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Dark Crusader= a massive loss in card advantage. Still, he could be worse, and isn't a bad way to feed the Graveyard if you don't have Dark Grepher. Still, Snipe Hunter is probably going to be more useful in any situation in which Crusader would be used. I wouldn't eliminate him entirely, but he's definitely not tournament material.

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This card is bad. It's a -1 for 400 ATK... >_>


maybe so' date=' but the effect is permanent...and u can also resummon those monsters that were tributed



tributed? i think you need to reread the card


oops...I missworded. oh, and Doom Shaman would help this card get stronger if you deck is mostly made up of dark type fiend monsters: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Doom_Shaman

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