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Yu-Gi-Oh! World Cup of Monsters - The Aquarium: Tournament of Aqua-Types!

~ P O L A R I S ~

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Greetings citizens of Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker!


Today I'm excited to announce a grand tournament of ALL Aqua-Type monsters released up to this point! (April 6th, 2017).


Water is essential to all living things, and no more so for any than to the Aqua-Type monsters that master the element, let it become a defining part of their existence, and live or die by their water supply. They utilize water in its manifold forms and states, from summoning waves to pinpointing opponents with pressurized blasts, they freeze opponents dead in their tracks and conjure confusing illusions of fog and steam! They've many tricks and ancient magicks at their disposal to dispose of enemies, though some eschew subtlety in favour of a sharp trident right to the face, a brutal weapon in the fashion of the God of the Sea's. Though they tend not to stray far from the seas and their beloved Umi, they are as ubiquitous as any other monster type, occupying the innermost trenches of the oceans to the clouds above from which they rain down. From the moist swamplands home to any number of croaking creatures, to the extreme northern reaches beyond the Ice Barrier where few dare to inhabit. Today, you will be deciding which Aqua-Type monsters most resonate with you, and together with your fellow members we will decide which is the site's favourite Aqua-Type monster of all!


Your 169 contestants are as follows, in alphabetical order:


Abyss Soldier

Abyss Warrior


Amphibious Bugroth

Aqua Spirit

Aquaactress Arrowana

Aquaactress Guppy

Aquaactress Tetra

Aquarian Alessa

Armored Starfish

Barrier Statue of Torment

Beastking of the Swamps

Beelze Frog


Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier


Cannonball Spear Shellfish

Catapult Turtle

Chemicritter Carbo Crab

Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon

Cold Enchanter

Crab Turtle

Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier

Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise

D.3.S. Frog

Deep Diver

Defender of the Ice Barrier

Des Frog

Dewdark of the Ice Barrier

Drill Barnacle

Dupe Frog

Escher the Frost Vassal

Evigishki Gustkraken

Evigishki Levianima

Evigishki Merrowgeist

Evigishki Mind Augus

Evigishki Soul Ogre

Evigishki Tetrogre

Evilswarm Ketos

Fire Kraken

Flip Flop Frog

Flying Penguin

Freezing Beast

Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju

Gem-Knight Amethyst

Gem-Knight Aquamarine

Gem-Knight Iolite

Gem-Knight Sapphire

Genex Undine

Giant Red Seasnake

Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames

Gishki Marker

Gishki Mollusk

Gishki Reliever

Gishki Vanity

Gishki Zielgigas

Gladiator Beast Retiari

Gora Turtle

Gora Turtle of Illusion

Graydle Alligator

Graydle Cobra

Graydle Dragon

Graydle Eagle

Graydle Slime

Graydle Slime Jr.

Gruesome Goo

Hebo, Lord of the River

High Tide Gyojin

Humanoid Slime

Humanoid Worm Drake


Ice Hand

Island Turtle


King of the Swamp

Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier

Koa'ki Meiru Ice

Lady of the Lake

Leviair the Sea Dragon

Liquid Beast

Mad Lobster

Magical Reflect Slime

Maiden of the Aqua


Mermaid Knight

Mermail Abyssbalaen

Mermail Abyssdine

Mermail Abyssgaios

Mermail Abyssgunde

Mermail Abysshilde

Mermail Abysslinde

Mermail Abyssocea

Mermail Abyssteus

Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite

Metallizing Parasite - Soltite

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Mobius the Mega Monarch

Mucus Yolk

Nightmare Penguin


Number 101: Silent Honor ARK

Number 21: Frozen Lady Justice

Number C101: Silent Honor DARK

Numen Erat Testudo



Oppressed People

Paleozoic Anomalocaris

Paleozoic Opabinia

Penguin Knight

Penguin Soldier

Performapal Guitartle

Performapal Sellshell Crab

Performapal Stamp Turtle

Performapal Turn Toad

Poison Draw Frog

Prior of the Ice Barrier

Psychic Kappa

Puny Penguin

Red Archery Girl

Revival Jam

Ritual Beast Ulti-Pettlephin

Roaring Ocean Snake


Sea Kamen

Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier

Sentinel of the Seas

Servant of Catabolism

Skull Kraken

Slime Toad


Snowman Eater

Spiritual Beast Pettlephin

Star Boy


Submarine Frog



Swap Frog


Testudo Erat Numen

The Furious Sea King

The Great Emperor Penguin

The Tripper Mercury

Toadally Awesome

Toon Mermaid

Trade Toad

Treeborn Frog

Tribe-Infecting Virus

Turtle Bird

Turtle Tiger


Twin Long Roads #2


Unformed Void


Violent Rain

Vortex Trooper

Warrior of Atlantis

Water Magician

Water Omotics

Water Spirit

Weather Report

Wind-Up Snail



Yomi Ship

Zone Eater

ZW - Ultimate Shield


A round of applause for your aquatic contestants!

Qualifying Matches: Randomized pools of 5-6, in the first quarter in four days and the subsequent quarters in subsequent four-day blocks. 

Quarterfinals: Four rounds consisting of pools of four over the course of three days

Semifinals: Three rounds of four over the course of three days

Finals: One-on-one over the course of three days
Tiebreaks will be determined by random.org. 


Be sure to submit your ballots in a waterproof sleeve and let the games begin!

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Honestly this is a really cool idea and I'm glad you decided to do this.


Especially starting with Aqua since it's one of my favorites. :D


Oh some advice btw might be good to make sure that between this and the Pokemon one coming soon there aren't too many threads at once so people don't miss a vote cause of the number. :)

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Thank you for your blessings everyone!


I'll take that in mind Cow, I think it would be best if I did the Qualifying rounds in 4-day quarters rather than halves. There will still be many threads given the number of contestants and how dear each one of them is, but might make it slightly less "floody", so to speak. 

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