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[AKH] Daily Spoilers - 6 Apr

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And the following cards aren't available in packs (note the numbering), but rather can be found in the introductory Planeswalker Decks.


Well, there you have it. The white and the red exerters look to be very pushed for standard - methinks the jackal may help the madness deck get another step closer to competitiveness. Thoughts?

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are they just incapable of making good blue and black cards now? gotta push white and green harder i guess


I mean, the sphinx seems pretty solid. 4/4 flying for four mana is nothing to sneeze at, plus the cycling ability helps you to dig deeper.


Updated with more spoilers that I forgot about, btw. Which may include a very welcome reprint...


EDIT: Also:




EDIT 2: Also also:




EDIT 3: Where are y'all? :(



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Glory-Bound plays REALLY nicely with Always Watching. Past that it has the issue all X/1s have in the format. Though at 3 power is crews a lot of vehicles.




Sphinx seems really good. Body is above the curve for a flier and the effect can come up a fair bit in limited. Not sure how good it will be in contrasted, but it looks like they were trying to get it there.


New Lili is very nicely designed. Feels very much in her wheelhouse and the effects all play together nicely. Going to see if I can find space for her in any of my black EDH decks. Don't think she's good enough for standard, but it is likely close.


Scavenger is a weird design since the actual exert doesn't do anything on its own. Not sure how good it will end up being since I don't think you want to be exerting all that often, but thats something play testing will show one way or the other.


Spray is a VERY welcome reprint.


Limited looks to have some solid artifacts so horn should be good. Don't think the Naga will be though. Really hard to attack in with a 2/2, especially at 3 mana.


Failure to Comply is a hard card to get a read on. I think its pretty bad though.


Hapatra seems solid so long as you can attack in. That said I think they pushed way too hard on the tokens in the set since we have a decent number of tokens on top of all the embalm cards.


Throne seems like it can be pretty interesting in something. Not sure what, but its a pretty nicely open ended card.


PW deck Lili is SUPER bad. Like wow. PW Gideon actually seems really reasonable, especially with Exert making his +2 a ton better. Also weird that his fetch card is the same cost as him.

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Glory Bound Initiate looks incredible. A 3/1 for 2 is nice, but being able to be exerted as a 4/4 Lifelink is just beautiful.


Am amused by the idea of a Cat Deck. Appropriate for an egyptian theme, but it's amusing nonetheless.


Liliana looks pretty spectacular, too.


Huh. Magma Spray is a Shock that exiles if it kills. Nice enough. Going to probably be pretty brutal in Limited events.


Ooh, also liking Vizier of Poisons.


Throne is just malicious.


Okay, now onto the Planeswalker Deck cards. This Gideon looks VASTLY superior to the in-set one. Liliana, Death Wielder seems...interesting, at least. I expect her Deck is going to be revolve around -1/-1 counters, because those effects are predominately Black and Green, and it's a Black/Green Deck.

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