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Harpie [LOLK]

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ハーピィ・レディ XS(エ


Harpie Lady Ecstasisters

WIND Winged-Beast/


LINK3 2700/ LL, B, LR

Link 3 – “Harpie” monsters – min. 2

(1): If a “Harpie” monster (s) is Normal or Special Summoned linked to this card: You can return 1 card on the field to the hand.

(2): During the Battle Phase only, while 3 “Harpie” monsters are linked to this card, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects.

(3): This card’s namebecomes “Harpie Lady Sisters” while it is on the field or in the Graveyard.




Hysteric Whip

Equip Spell

Equip only to a “Harpie” monster you control. You can only use this card name’s (2) effect once per turn.

(1): If the equipped monster battles a monster, that monster has its effects negated. (2): If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 “Harpie” monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it.



Fearsome Fire Blast


Quick-Play Spell

(1): If you control a face- up “Harpie” Dragon Type monster: The ATK and DEF of all monsters your opponent controls are halved, also if your

“Harpie” monster battles an opponent’s monster this turn, any battle damage it inflicts to your opponent is doubled.

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