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Trickstar Reincarnation

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Woooow, this is pretty freaking good. I don't know what the effect has to do with Trickster since they seem to be effect damage focused, I guess to annoy the opponent? Anyway, being able to take away your opponent's hand like that is crazy good, sure they get new cards, but still, it will mess up their sheet, and then you have the second effect too. Trickster could be pretty good the more I see of them.

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Woooow, this is pretty freaking good. I don't know what the effect has to do with Trickster since they seem to be effect damage focused, I guess to annoy the opponent? Anyway, being able to take away your opponent's hand like that is crazy good, sure they get new cards, but still, it will mess up their sheet, and then you have the second effect too. Trickster could be pretty good the more I see of them.

Slower & more annoying card destruction 

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Combo it with Droll & Lock to effectively kill their hand :v

And that second effect is nice. It's doesn't have a hard OPT so you could even venture a bit with a milling strategy.


I have my eyes set on this archetype so it makes me glad that they are getting decent-to-good support.

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Love how that first effect is completely generic. Time to bring back my Protector of the Sanctuary Turbo!


Can also combo well with Dark Law.


I like how Tricksters appear to be turning out to win via battle, burn, and even possibly deck out.

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honestly seems pretty low impact as a card since the opponent still starts with the same amount of cards its like when niggas freak out because dark world dealings. prob relevant vs maxx "c" which is really nice


the activation condition tho is reeeeeally nice for what the card does in grave tho since most grave traps have terrible conditions that make them awful to draw

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honestly seems pretty low impact as a card since the opponent still starts with the same amount of cards its like when niggas freak out because dark world dealings. prob relevant vs maxx "c" which is really nice


the activation condition tho is reeeeeally nice for what the card does in grave tho since most grave traps have terrible conditions that make them awful to draw

Well you probably wouldn't use this immediately after your opponent draws. Wait for them to activate a Fusion or Ritual spell, or the banish effect of a Kozmo pilot, something like that. At the very least, you can use it after they search, turning a RotA into an Upstart.

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honestly seems pretty low impact as a card since the opponent still starts with the same amount of cards its like when niggas freak out because dark world dealings. prob relevant vs maxx "c" which is really nice

This is not the same as dark world dealings what so ever.


Dealings allows them to draw first, then discard a card. This means they will lose the worst card in their hand+top of deck, and replace it with something better.


Not to mention the fact that it only hits one of their cards, so whatever they have assembled is relatively untouched.


This isn't even going into the fact that dealings discards, allowing them to set up the graveyard, which is crucial for many decks.


Finally, this is spell speed two, allowing it to actually happen at a time that matters.


Dark world dealings improves their hand, this randomizes it and cuts searched 1-ofs out of them game more often than not.


Usually you are pretty spot on, but comparing this to dealings is just a ton of levels of incorrect.

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I still consider those pretty low-impact since your opponent likely isnt playing exodia and can still play ygo with a new hand, but I'm tryna say it doesn't sound OP or anything.


Like this is a hella gucci card; to me the banish effect is only there to avoid unfortunate outcomes like triggering grave effects or dumping stuff for the opponent, the banish effect I appreciate a lot.

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This is not the same as dark world dealings what so ever.


Dealings allows them to draw first, then discard a card. This means they will lose the worst card in their hand+top of deck, and replace it with something better.


Not to mention the fact that it only hits one of their cards, so whatever they have assembled is relatively untouched.


This isn't even going into the fact that dealings discards, allowing them to set up the graveyard, which is crucial for many decks.


Finally, this is spell speed two, allowing it to actually happen at a time that matters.


Dark world dealings improves their hand, this randomizes it and cuts searched 1-ofs out of them game more often than not.


Usually you are pretty spot on, but comparing this to dealings is just a ton of levels of incorrect.

misspoke I mean dragged down into the grave and its not a direct conparison; its comparing how people generally view these types of effects as impactful when the opponent's hand remains at the same amount of cards. To show other means of "hand disruption" you'd also take into account the differences between card destruction, Durendal and multiple destruction.


Some affect the order of cards drawn, some increase the chance of seeing particular cards but most of the time there is a constant which is the number of cards remaining in hand (multiple destruction actually being an exception in a particular scenario where opponent has more than 5 cards)

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This is gonna be hilarious. It is technically a -1 if used for the generic effect, but it kills key searches in such a lulzy way.

All cards like this that I find interesting end up like ultras and Secrets over at TCG so I'll have to wait and see if I can even make this deck when it arrives.

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Using it on the first turn, means you can break whatever hand your opponent has, with no effort required. In trickstars, it's extremely valid disruption, with an almost scary level of utility. and the revival honestly feels like it's an afterthought, something that they just threw on to make it fit into the archetype. it's good revival, but the first effect simply steals the show. also, greed, appropriate, multiple destruction, and droll and lock bird, will likely have something fun made out of them thanks to this card.



also, funking! PALEOZOICS!

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Using it on the first turn, means you can break whatever hand your opponent has, with no effort required. In trickstars, it's extremely valid disruption, with an almost scary level of utility. and the revival honestly feels like it's an afterthought, something that they just threw on to make it fit into the archetype. it's good revival, but the first effect simply steals the show. also, greed, appropriate, multiple destruction, and droll and lock bird, will likely have something fun made out of them thanks to this card.



also, f***ing! PALEOZOICS!

just no


why would you do any of that

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I mean, the neat part of this card is that it takes the quality of a combo screw-over card where you can do petty disruptions on activated effects from the hand (that don't require sending itself somewhere as cost or w/e) or searches as a neat little -1, but then the grave effect is all BUT WAIT! IT'S NOT A -1!


If anything, the neat part is you can run Foolish Burial Goods for the ability of just turning it into a straight revival card (no time-gate on when that grave effect can be used), and if you happen to have it in-hand instead, you can either use it as discard fodder for w/e the frick you want, or just use it for its normal effect because that's actually not bad either.


The beauty of this card isn't that it's overly amazing at any one thing, the beauty of this card is that wherever it is, it's somewhere that you want it, essentially. I mean, okay if you don't have Goods on hand then you don't want it in the deck, and you kinda don't want it totally banished to be used, although Omega is still a spicy meme, but you get what I mean. The only time that it's awful is if you want it to do something that it's currently unable to do, like if you have it in hand, but you need it in grave to use the revival effect and have no means to discard it, or it's in the grave and just dang you wish you could screw over all those one-of's in their hand. That's not going to happen very often.


Anyways, getting off track. It's just a really solid card, and the potential to just really bone your opponent when time properly is absolutely golden.

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Imagine somebody taking the Maxx C challenge and waiting until your opponent's hand is big enough, use this trap, and watch it banish more cards than Pot of Desires.

Then combo bonus points if you have Omega to return it to the Grave and banish it again during the opponent's draw phase and see if that was enough to deck them out.

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Imagine somebody taking the Maxx C challenge and waiting until your opponent's hand is big enough, use this trap, and watch it banish more cards than Pot of Desires.

Then combo bonus points if you have Omega to return it to the Grave and banish it again during the opponent's draw phase and see if that was enough to deck them out.

The banish effect is the special summon, not the pseudo-durendal
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